z Cottage by the Sea : First Thunder Storm of Spring
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, March 22, 2010

First Thunder Storm of Spring

I have been so busy working on my other site and a photoshop photo commission that I have not been doing much blogging here.
Today was rainy and cool again after a sunny weekend. We even had a bit of a thunder storm tonight.
Yesterday I saw the play Secret Garden. It was wonderful! If it comes to a theatre near you, do go by all means. It's lovely.

I did a few blogthings and got some alternate names,etc.

Your Italian Name Is: Donna Lombardi



Your Punk Band Name Is: The Drunk Dinosaur

"You can't arrest me, I'm a rockstar." - Sid Vicious

I didn't even know I had a punk rock band!! I had better get the band on the road cuz I am way behind in concerts. hehe.


  1. Hi Annie,
    Sorry about that thunderstorm that is coming your way :( I will check out that play Secret Garden. I enjoy a good play. I am going t see Rent at the Hollywood Bowl in August. Don't even ask how many times I have seen it LOL I am a true "renthead" I like that punk rock band name LOL and Donna Lombardi :) Take care.
    Hugs, Dru

  2. Hi Annie;

    I was born with an Italian name but had to try it anyway. LOL!! My name in the quiz is "Enrica Bianchi". My punk band name is "The Apathetic Slinky" LOL!! That is funny.

    We were supposed to get heavy rain today but it never happened. Sweet dreams my friend. Hugs

  3. Hi Annie, I can't remember my Italian name, but my punk rock band is "The Curious Spork". I went to an online dictionary, & see that a 'spork' is an eating utensil - a combination of a spoon & a fork. :-) I wish I could see/hear a thunderstorm. Can't remember the last time I heard one. Have a great day Annie!! Hugs

  4. Rain pounded against the house , thunder and lightning abounded !
    My Italian name is Giorgetta De Luca and I have a punk rock band called The Blah Cheese ( whether or not I am actually punk !) .This site is SUCH fun !! Love your gentle , whimsical header ! Have a splendid day !

  5. Hi Donna ...ah, I mean Anne ...lol! I love the cottage images in your header ...very cute!

    I am Silvana Marino and my punk band is "The Curious Magic Wand" -- fun!

  6. Hi Annie! My Italian name is Alisa Ferrari. I like that! Maybe I should change it. :) It'll be a while before our room is ready for photos. The carpet will maybe come into the store next Monday. Wish you could just use Paint or Photo Shop tools like flood fill for redecorating! ;) (((Hugz)))

  7. Hi Annie I love your new banner it's very whimsical. Where is your other site? that's great your doing commission work, you're so very talented. I forgot my Italian name it was to long, speaking of the quizzie. I hope you enjoy a nice spring day. Hope your weather is wonderful! big hugs


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