Its a rainy day today. In fact it was rainy yesterday and Friday night there were gale force winds.
The pond is over it's banks, the bay is wild and I went out for a walk.
There is something comforting about being bundled up inside a warm coat and hat on a blustery, rainy day. Yes, inside a house is better, but, being outside makes you feel alive and appreciative of the house waiting for you on your return.
I walked along the roads seeing gold light spill out of homes onto soppy lawns and imagined the people inside huddled at the breakfast table having hot, steaming cups of coffee and thinking how dumb it was to be out on a day like today.
Lake Bayside (not a real lake, just the juncture of 2 roads that floods and we call it lake Bayside) was up to its imaginary banks and its eastern most side flowed into the very real creek that reaches out to Barnegat Bay on its short journey.
How fast a tiny creek widens into a mighty course of water!
That thought took me off on thoughts of how small incidents ( national or personal) quickly broaden into huge ones if damage control isn't quick in coming.
I had no companion on my walk except for Gordon the Mallard who often walks alone now that his life long mate Gertie has passed on to duck heaven. Its kind of sad to see him wandering along without her. For a long time they were a constant couple and raised many little Gerties and Gordons.
It was nice to have him join me for a bit now that he is back in town.
We ambled along at a slow pace since Gordon likes to take time to smell the roses as it were. I think he stays so long in fall out of reluctance to leave places he holds dear, if indeed ducks can do that a returns just as quickly in spring to be where she once was.
It's nice to have someone to chat with, even if that someone is a duck. And his friendly nature and inquisitive eyes make him a jovial companion. His constancy and faithfulness are a lesson in keeping on keeping on.
I was telling him how nice his green neck was when I spotted a lone crocus
blooming by the side of the road!
One of the first blossoms of the year.
All alone also, like me, and Gordon, the crocus was just blooming like crazy. No thought to the chilly air.
That crocus was blooming itself silly!!
I felt pretty good about that as I often "do myself silly" in some things..sigh.
There is a lesson there too ..... don't let anything get you down for long, and keep blooming!
So, the people with the steaming coffee mugs at the cozy kitchen tables thinking how dumb it is to be out on a day like this were wrong!
G-d provides a day's worth of lessons all around us if we just will keep our eyes open and look at all the possibilities.
As we reached the lagoon by the marina, Gordon waddled down into it where a larger group was waiting and together they flew off.
I was happy to have escorted him part of the way on his journey.
Another good but rainy day begins on the bay.
I saw a commercial for some kind of make-up on TV, and if I weren't a man who has been clonked on the head one too many times I might remember what type of make-up it was. That said, I was wondering if the woman in the commercial was you? You have very similar facial features in your red negative profile picture.
ReplyDeleteAnnie, what a beautiful post!! Each time I visit you, I feel on the edge of my seat - you are like an author telling a story. Have you even considerd writing a book? If not, you truly should consider it. You make people 'feel' what you are writing about. What incredible 'word pictures'. I'm so happy that you were able to escort Gordon & brighten his lonely walk for awhile. Those people snuggled up in their homes on this rainy, dreary day, missed out on so much! You impress me as the type that when it rains, you aren't one to sit inside hoping it stops - you go out & splash in the puddles! Thank you again for such a sweet post.
ReplyDeleteThank you Judy! :)
ReplyDeleteAnonymous: nope not me. The red photo was taken by a 7 year old family member last July. She wanted to try out the digital camera. I was making a smirky kind of funny face at her from the side when she took the photo.She asked me to use it as an avatar and I did.
I put it through an Andy Warhol process to make it blurry and discolored.
Hi Annie that sounds like a nice walk with the duck. I don't go out for walks in the rain, but it does sound nice the way you explain it anyway. However you are very good at that. Thank you for your compliments. I do love your new header you're very talented in other ways writing and drawing. We all have some wonderful talent from God that we were blessed with. We are enjoying a nice pre spring day of 70F. and I am enjoying it! big hugs
ReplyDeleteand a Happy St.Pat's to you...may ye be truly smiled upon today and always !
ReplyDeleteToday is the first sunny day in quite awhile , so I slipped on my Sketchers Walkfit knockoffs and went for a walk , too ! So good to feel the sun on my face and be able to walk without blizzards and Nor'Easter blasts !
Enjoy your day...your posts always make mine better !
Hi sweet Annie :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post! I love to take walks when it's miserable outside for the same reason.
The snow in NY in 1888 was unbelievable! I can't imagine.
Stay warm! Spring will be here before you know it ;)
Judy said it for me and it's what I've told you before, too, that I think your writing is very poetic and full of imagery. I'm afraid I must admit that I'm not a walking in the rain type. Jeff and I are both sun bums and we used to have t-shirts from Hawaii that said that. I love hearing rain falling on the roof or beating against the window panes while I'm cozy and warm inside. Glad there are people like you to keep Gordon company! ;)
ReplyDeleteHi Annie;
ReplyDeleteLike the others I throughly enjoyed your post. I could just picture you and Gordon the mallard walking together. I love walking in the rain but only in arm weather. It's been a long time since I've done that. ;-} Have a lovely evening my friend.
When I was reading this post and others, I thought, "Annie surely must be a writer!" Then, I read other commenters saying the same thing. You definitely can tell a wonderful store that make your readers feel like they are right there with you. You have a wonderful talent!