z Cottage by the Sea : Well Of All the Nerve...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Well Of All the Nerve...


  1. Hi Annie,
    I just wear my green eyes too :) I love the quote :) Hope you have a super day.
    Hugs, Dru

  2. LOL!! Annie, and here I thought he was Italian. Have a great day ahead my friend. Hugs

  3. Had a wonderful evening ! My dear friend brought her kids and little ones and enough food to stave off a famine ! We had a lovely , lively time amid Irish music CDs and general mayhem . I'm most grateful for their kindness ! Hope you enjoyed your day thoroughly ...

  4. Ciao Annie, happy Spring! :)
    LOL @ the quote ;)
    Have a lovely week!

  5. I was just writing in your comment box about our un-springlike weather including power outages when... we had a minor brown-out and my computer shut down. Happened to me twice yesterday, too. Nice to have your green eyes always with you. Jeff has green eyes, too. Have a great week ahead and Happy Spring! (((Hugz)))

  6. HI Sweet Annie, I hope you had a nice Saint Patrick's Day!? I cooked up our traditional food! have a great week! big hugs


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