z Cottage by the Sea : Guest Post by Annie's Daughter: Surgery Went Well

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Guest Post by Annie's Daughter: Surgery Went Well

Hello! This is Annie's daughter, Holly, with an update for her readers. As many of you know my mom had surgery today. She asked write a quick post to let her readers and friends know her status. She came through the surgery quite well, albeit a little groggy from the anesthesia (I am sure she will be a little more 'with it' tomorrow). Her doctor said that everything went extremely well and he expects she will make a full recovery. Thanks to all of you who were plugging for her. I will keep you posted with her progress over the coming days. Have a wonderful night!


  1. Thanks Holly for posting! I've been checking on and off all day and very happy to hear that the doctor is so optimistic! Send Annie our love!

  2. Thanks Holly for the post! I am so happy to hear the Dr. is optimistic! Great news. Is she able to come home or did they send her to a rehab? I know she was hoping to be able to come home and do PT outpatient. Send Annie my love. Hugs Dru

  3. Thanks for posting an update Holly, very glad to hear everything went well! Pass along a hi.

  4. Thank you for posting an update, Holly! I'm so glad to read that everything went well. Big hugs for Annie.

  5. Glad to hear it. I hope her recovery goes really well and that she will be pain free and able to get around in no time.

  6. Thank you so much for the update on your mom Holly. I'm so happy all went well and prayers were answered. Give her my love.

  7. Just dropping by to see how things are progressing. Send Annie my love! Will check back over the weekend.


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