Friday, January 31, 2014


W    e are having a heat wave! It is 32°F (0 Celsius) right now.

 I am thinking of going outside and getting a nice tan while this heat lasts.

Arrrgh, its Friday and time got away from me and the meme did not go up yesterday. Here it is today and I hope you join in when you get the chance.

People tend to be a bit superstitious. Are  you?
1. Do you believe in luck ?
2. Do you put coins in a new purse to give the user a good start?
3. Are black cats unlucky?
4.  lucky numbers?
5. lucky hat, shirt?
6. Are you more careful on Friday the 13th?
7. Would you open an umbrella in the house?
8. Some think smelling dandelions will make you wet the bed at night.  True? False?
9. Broncos or Seahawks in the Superbowl? ( I suppose it has something to do with the meme!)

I am not much of a believer in luck. I believe more in blessing etc.
My mother put coins in a new purse for me.  I just remembered about that today as I began putting up the meme!
Black cats are not unlucky at all.
No lucky numbers but I always liked the number 6 and 8 as a kid for some reason.
No lucky shirt or hat, just comfortable ones I love.
Usually the 13th passes without much notice.
I have opened umbrellas in the house.
No, you can smell dandelions all day long and have wonderful salads from their leaves and never wet the bed!

Not a huge football fan , but living by the water I hope the Seattle Seahawks win.

Will you be watching the Superbowl? 
Have a warm, wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Picture Wednesday

Still snowing, still cold, but the sunset tonight was glorious.
Meme tomorrow.
Looking through the woods

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

  Snow, glorious snow.
 The world is white but the skies are a clear deep bright blue.
looking out at the little pond
The temperatures are chilly as we were simply 1°F this morning and that is far below freezing but the sun is shining brightly.
The heaters are in the ponds and hopefully working as they should. I can't go out to check since I can't risk falling and jarring my spine but I suspect there is a hole under them in the thick ice.
Even the bay is frozen over.
I used Big Huge Labs to create the frame around this photo, by the way.
Here is this week's meme if you would like to join in.  At least it gives something to blog about.

This one is about "Day Dreaming"
1. Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?
2. Do you have a favorite city?       If so, what is it?
3. What car would you have if money was no object?
4.  What kind of house would you have if you could have any one you desired?
5.  Is there a special event/or sight you have always wanted to see? 
6. What is your dream vacation destination?

I will try to answer tomorrow and I look forward to reading your answers.
Keep warm, keep safe, keep smiling.  

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow Storm

I   t's snowing and coming down hard and fast.

The Weatherman is warning about a big storm.
The wind is howling and the temperatures are dropping but I am inside keeping nice and warm. The supply of tea and coffee are laid in along with hot dogs, real German sauerkraut and good brown mustard... a wonderful snow day dinner.  I am all set!

I will put up this week's meme tomorrow.
Snow this afternoon

Friday, January 17, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Listening In...

O n a recent trip into the city to check out FAO Schwartz:

Her mom: "We are going to see lots of toys there!"
The Little on spying Sephora across the street: :"Can't we just go to Sephora instead and try out the makeup?"
Yes, she knows all about Sephora and loves going. She is a perfume aficionado.
ღ Be well everyone ღ

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Breathe, breathe...."

How adorable is this?
The little guy does yoga with his pet human.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January Meme

Here is this week's new meme.
I hope you will all join in and find it fun to do.

How about talking about the changing calendar....

1  Do you look forward to a new year or do you feel nostalgic for the old?2. We are off to a cold start this January.  Are you hoping for an early spring or are you going to enjoy an icy winter time?
3. Do you like winter sports ?  What kind?
4. What is your ideal way to spend a  cold winter day?
5. Do you have a favorite winter meal that you love when the temperatures dip way down?
6. How do you spend your time when the day is cold and blustery outside?
7. Do you like to complain about cold/weather/snow/rain or do you just make the best of it all?

 Trees in my yard --click to see full size.
The weather here is frigid but not as cold as I have seen when I lived in other places.
The ponds have their heaters running to keep the water thawed for the fishs' sake as well as to provide animals with a cold drink.
The wind outside today is howling and blustery but the sky is a gorgeous blue and the sun is shining -- though I bet it is shivering a bit too!
It's time for the heavy Eskimo look when venturing outside.
Keep warm everyone and stay safe.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday Afternoon Soup

my chicken soup... blurry photo but delicious!

Today's chicken soup tastes better than ever  even though  my  taste is dulled  by my stuffy nose.  I am enjoying it anyway!

Homemade chicken soup does something wonderful when you need to get well and I can feel it doing it's marvelous work already. 

Here on the east coast the snow fell all night, but though very cold, it isn't too bad today and for most of the day the sun shone brightly from a deep blue sky on the fresh new snow .

 I hope you have a wonderful and warm weekend.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wednesday ....

via Wikipedia Great Blue Heron
I    ran to get my camera or phone but he was quick and gone by the time I got back.  
It seems they can fly   30 miles per hour!
 He was a great heron ( I think a great blue heron)standing by my big pond in the back looking for a quick meal of my big fish. They are amazing to see close up. He was about 20 feet from me (looking out my kitchen window early in the
morning)and stood about 4 feet tall, though with neck stretched up they are way taller I think.
 Their wing spans are 6 feet, not huge, but impressive. They are tall enough birds to be startling looking up close and personal. He and his pals stop here regularly and I was surprised he was not farther south for the winter. Then again perhaps he was on his way and just thought my pond was a fast good stand. I get a lot of beautiful white egrets also. What majestic and gorgeous birds these water birds are!
 By the way if you are environmentally conscious, as I like to be, you might think both solar and wind farm energy is great.    However, they are a major source of death for many birds.
Too many birds as a matter of fact and create a great deal of concern for endangered species as well as other fowl. The numbers of dead are too great to ignore.
No one is sure as of yet why big birds are dying at solar projects and the corporations who run them don't seem to care much.
Sad but worth keeping watch on.

I am down with another cold that came hard on the heels of the chest cold. The whole family is down with it though I am the newest victim.
I've spent most of the last few days in bed sleeping through the day because I am so terribly tired out.
There is a surgeon appointment tomorrow that I think I will have to cancel .   When I think of those people in the waiting room who are in pain etc and that maybe they could catch my cold on top of that.. ugh, No, I don't want to do that to them, so best if I stay home.  People who are hurting don't need more problems on top of it!

The east coast is awaiting a big snow storm from the mid west. Hopefully it by passes us down here but, you never know. 
Hope you are having a wonderful cozy evening and a great day tomorrow.