z Cottage by the Sea : Renovtions
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, April 4, 2014


     As you can see I am doing a little renovation on the blog using graphics by Cosmic Handmade.
 I love her art and thought it would be a perfect springtime look for the blog. I usually use my own paintings as headers and this one by Carolyn of Cosmic is an experiment for me. I think its adorable but unsure if I will keep using it or switch it out every so often as the days go by.  Anyway, it is adorable and I can see myself doing just this very thing on the pier.
 I was finally able to place a background image around the main blog and I separated the blog posts with a double border.  It had always given me a little problem but turned out it was simpler than I thought. After a bit of brainstorming I had a eureka moment and made it work.  Duh! It was so easy.
Also I put an icon by the post title and I am working on a few more additions.
If you have any graphics from your old sites that you would like to use two backgrounds on, I can tell you how most of this is done ( at least I hope I can). It requires some  monkeying around in Blogger.
This is still under construction so bear with me.

Last Sunday, which seems like yesterday, the Famous Anonymous and I went to see Divergent. We enjoyed it  a lot though it departs from the book as per FA.  I will have to read the trilogy now.
It is a fast paced movie with a lot of excitement and perfect for adventure lovers. It is rated PG13.

No plans yet for this weekend, but we are waiting for Godzilla to come to theaters. I am really excited to see that one!
What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Annie, I love the new look! It is a cute header and the colors are so pretty and easy on the eye. And I like that little icon next to the heading. Have a lovely weekend. Mine is probably going to be quiet and that's okay.

  2. You are a brave woman! I need to change the look of my blog soon. This is so pretty! I hope to be gardening this weekend!

  3. I like your new look. I haven't changed my blog in years and probably won't due to laziness and the fact that my son usually has to do it, being my webmaster. I'm just back from a trip so I will spend my weekend recuperating.

  4. Good morning my dear Annie, the new look of your sweet blog is really really so nice, I like it a lot !
    Wishing you a lovely weekend, I'm going to spend mine working hard in the garden, the sun should shine, they say, after a few rainy days :)
    A big hug my dearest friend xxx

  5. Hi Annie, I love the new look. I have these graphics by Caroline. I love her artwork.
    You are a master when it comes to Blogger design. I might want to learn someday if I give up my website. I finished your meme and it is on my recent post. Hugs

  6. Hi Annie; I love your new look and always enjoyed Caroline's wonderful graphics. If I had the patience you do when it comes to monkeying around in Blogger, I would, but I don't have the urge to do so anymore. You make it look so easy my talented friend. Have a lovely day ahead. Hugs.


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