z Cottage by the Sea : World View
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

World View

Another meme.

As always I do hope you will take the time to join in the meme and let us all know a little something about yourself, your life, your likes, dislikes.
It gives something to blog about and helps build friendships.

 This week's meme is called "World View".

 1. What languages can you speak/read?
  I can read French  and biblical Hebrew. I can speak some French but not as much as I once could . In high school I learned Russian and read Crime and Punishment by Dostoyvsky in the original as well as Anna Karenina. 
 I have read some of the great French novels in their original as well,like Les Miserable. 
 I want to learn Italian

2. What countries have you visited?

3. Which places impressed you the most on your travels? The Rocky Mountains , Prince Edward Island and the Florida Keys

4. Have you been on a cruise?
  No, but I wanted to sail to Tahiti and Bora Bora as a kid. 

5. Is there a place you really want to see?

  Pompei, Cinque Terre,in Italy.
 Also Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England, Cornwall,etc.

 6. Could you live in another country? Why or why not?
  I could easily live in Canada.
 I like the people and the land is lovely.

7. Do you have family in another country? Do you keep in touch?

 I have family in Canada, Scotland, England, Wales, Spain and Hong Kong, China. We email now and again.

Now it is your turn.


  1. hi Annie, How nice that you know so many languages. I just updated my blog with your last meme and I will work on the new one. How did you learn those languages? I think learning Biblical Hebrew would be cool.

    1. I learned languages in school.
      Hebrew is very easy to learn and you can learn the letters in a day or so and be reading quite quickly. :)

  2. What a fun meme, Annie! I will join in today. I am very impressed. I've always wanted to learn Biblical Hebrew. Can you read the actual characters or the transliteration?

  3. Hi Annie; I love this meme and have it on my today's post. Prince Edward Island was always a place I wanted to visit since the days I first read Anne of Avonlea. I'm so glad I know you my talented friend. Have a lovely rest of the week. Hugs

  4. Annie....so interesting to find out this about you. I am kind of out of it for this meme. Only been to Canada, know a few things in German and thats about it for this woman. Sad but true.

  5. Hi Annie..I found your blog through Susan (Garden of Friendship) and Melanie (Joy in the journey) and loved the meme's...I posted it on my blog also..AliceMum's Blog so hope you come over and visit!!

  6. Hi Annie! Just trying to play catch up. :) I love your new graphics! I did your meme and I too am very impressed with the different languages that you know. Dave and I are planning to visit Canada very soon. :) Hope you are having a lovely week! Hugs

  7. Hi Annie. Another fun meme. I always plan to come back & do them but something seems to always get in the way! Love them though!! Hugz!

  8. Hi Annie, new pictures of my grandson at my blog! :)

  9. Hi Annie! Happy Easter! I hope you and yours have a beautiful day! Hugs

  10. Happy Easter Annie and Passover blessings. Hugs


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