z Cottage by the Sea : My Life is a Comedy Show!
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Life is a Comedy Show!

I am considered 85% disabled because of my spine.
Now, I get around pretty well. You would probably never know but there are things I have a lot of trouble with since I can't bend, lift,twist , etc and you would be surprised how much you need to do those things in everyday life.
I can't push a vacuum, sweep, nake a bed... the list goes on and on!
 Thank goodness for family who come to help. If I drop something in the shops I can't pick them up again. Someone else has to do it.
 I drop things all the time and sometimes they might as well be on the other side of the moon. Sometimes trying to get one thing turns into a complete comedy show.
So when I saw this video I laughed a lot because this is my life!
I hope you get as many giggles from it as I did.


  1. My darling Annie
    I'm so very glad to hear about you, you cannot imagine how much !
    I was going to email you because I was feeling quite worried, you're not posting for some weeks and I was growing afraid that something had happened ...

    This video is truly exhilarating :D !!!!
    Actually, I think that more or less we all have our limits we have to grow suited to and to accept ... you're lucky to have your family by your side and to have such a joy of living, believe me, sweetie !

    Blessings and hugs

  2. Oh, Annie! How funny! My heart goes out that poor pig. I have seen these "grabber" things that can be used to pick up something without bending. You probably have seen them and they are limited in the weight etc but maybe a thought. Here is the amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Ettore-49036-Grip-n-Grab/dp/B001B13PC2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1436366030&sr=8-1&keywords=grabber&pebp=1436366038796&perid=1YF7K9T9EVYQMSSSNN0X
    I always enjoy your posts! You are a very inspiring lady. Have a great week.

  3. Hi Annie. Hilarious!! Loved it! Now you must please tell me how you find these delicious things! So glad I clicked on your link today! Hugz!

  4. I love your attitude, Annie! :) And the video is hilarious, it sure could be me, hahahahaha! ;D

  5. Hi Anne! Great video! You have such a wonderful attitude! God bless you!


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