z Cottage by the Sea : Pretty in Pink
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Pretty in Pink

The bay can be so pretty and especially when the roses are in bloom. The white variety are growing wild in my back and side yards and they are enormous. Beach roses climb and spread. They come in white and shades of pink from light to dark.


  1. Annie, what a beautiful view from your yard! Every time you post photos like this, I'm tempted to pack my bags and pitch a tent in your back yard! So beautiful!!

  2. Your roses are so very beautiful, in their simplicity and in their color, and to see the blue of the Ocean on the background in this photo of yours is simply gorgeous !
    Have a wonderful bright new day, darling, precious Annie,
    sending dear love and hugs

  3. Such a beautiful view from your year, and lovely roses. :)

  4. Hi Annie! What a beautiful yard! And such a view! Amazing!

  5. Annie!!!! I'm so happy to hear from you and I'm so glad you found me! I've missed you and I'm so sorry I left. It was a bad time in my life when I did that.

    So glad to know you're still here and I'm adding you to my beloved old friends list :)

    Beautiful picture, my friend.


  6. Hi Annie, things have been busy my way. We were able to do the Disney's birthday and pictures are posted. Hope you are doing well.

  7. HI Annie every photo you take in your area of the world is just beautiful. Love Love. Have a wonderful Friday! Hugs


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