z Cottage by the Sea : Life by the Bay
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, December 7, 2015

Life by the Bay

When you live on the Jersey shore it is a short trip into and out of New York City by boat.
If you take the water taxi or ferry it is very expensive though.


  1. Do you ever get to NYC much? Is it expensive because you are bring a vehicle? It sounds like a fun trip though! Love the new look! I am partial to soft blues. Have a blessed day, my friend.

  2. Every time you publish a post about the place you live in, I alwas feel so fascinated by it, my sweetest Annie, indeed, more and more !

    May your evening be happy, my darling friend,
    sending big big hugs with dear love and gratitude

  3. Lovely I hope you had a good time! looks fun. We take the Ferry To SF sometimes and it is expensive. We don't do it much anymore because of the cost, now we just drive right into there. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hugs


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