z Cottage by the Sea : Sometimes a Boy Just Has to Express Himself
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sometimes a Boy Just Has to Express Himself

No one knows where the hat came from.
But when a boy saunters into the house wearing a fluffy old stocking cap you just accept things for what they are and take a photo before it finally falls off.

Here is a smiling Hercules the gentle giant  expressing himself.

Jammie wearing, barefoot teen in the background.


  1. How can you resist that face! Love the hat. How long did it stay on? Have a great day, my friend.

  2. That is one irresistible face, Annie! How cute... it certainly put a smile on my face :)


  3. He's simply irresistible !!!
    Yes, you're true when you say that sometimes a boy has to express himself, but how not to smile, my sweetest, darling Annie ???
    That's a Christmas Gift, isn't it ?
    Thinking of you with love


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