z Cottage by the Sea : My Irish is Up!
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, June 4, 2016

My Irish is Up!

When something is egregiously wrong, I won't keep silent.
This is so far over the top that it needs to be seen by more people.
Some religions are pushed in public schools while others are silenced.
This is the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion , or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
This is not separation of church and state but a guarantee that you may speak of your religious beliefs any time, any place in a reasonable manner.
My town has a "free speech area" which is ludicrous.
 Freedom of  speech is limited in only one area.. yelling 'fire' in a public place when there is no fire.
That's it!
The 1st amendment  guarantees that the law cannot forbid your religion, your peaceful assembly or your right to call the government out if you think they are out of line as long as it is done in a peaceful manner.
Ir states that no state religion can be established.  England had the Church of England. with the Queen as the head of the church.
America does not have a state religion. Every one is free to worship according to the dictates of their own conscience.
America states that God is her head in many documents.
The song My Country Tis of Thee, based on God save the King/Queen, even states in it's closing lines: Great God Our King!
It is popular today to say this is not so.  But it was so in the beginning.
Another little known law of the US is that one may break the law to keep the law.

Now for the rest of the story which I post in entirety as an educational source only, fully crediting the source at the end.

The Desert Rose Elementary School in Palmdale, California “severely abused a first grader’s constitutional rights”, according to a press release put out by The Liberty Counsel Thursday.
The boy’s mother, Christina Zavala, put a Bible verse on a sticky note in her son’s packed lunch everyday along with a short story to provide context for the verses.
Christina’s son, known as “C”, began sharing notes with other children during lunch, but that all came to an end when a young girl showed one note to her teacher saying it was “the most beautiful story she had ever seen”, at which point the teacher told C he could no longer share notes at lunch.
Instead he was told to “wait until after school to share with his friends at the front gate,” which he did.
Mrs. Zavala wrote a letter to the school on April 19 once she heard about this request, but was never answered.
Apparently the school received the letter, because days after it was sent C returned home in tears after being reprimanded in front of his whole class for sharing his mom’s notes and his religious beliefs once again.
Complying with the new “rules” laid out by his teacher, C grew a daily following of around 15 students that also enjoyed reading the Bible verses by the gate after school.
On May 9th the school’s Principal Melanie Pagliaro approached C’s father, Jaime Zavala, insisting they “leave school property completely and continue on a public sidewalk”, to which the father promptly complied.
Later that very same day a Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff knocked on the Zavala family door and directed C to stop sharing notes because “someone might be offended,” a clear violation of the child’s First Amendment rights.
It was at this point that the parents decided to seek legal advice and contacted
 The Liberty Counsel.
similar story in the news this week, where a nine-year-old is barred from wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat to school, proves now is the time for young Americans to stand up for what they believe in, no matter how they may be persecuted by their peers or elders."
Article by Kelen McBreen | Infowars.com 


  1. Such a sad commentary for our nation. Clearly our constitutional rights are being taken away from us one by one. Thanks for sharing this story.

  2. Thank you my Lovely Lady for this so interesting and involving post of yours, I've enjoyed this reading so much !

    Wishing you all my best for the remainder of your week
    I'm sending blessings of joy across the many miles

    Xx Dany


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