z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, June 5, 2016


Joining with Melanie for  Sunday  Salon

Time:    1:05 PM

Scene:  In my office, sunny and bright. The windows are open to take advantage of the smell of freshly cut grass and a lovely temperature.

Climbing Hydrangea goes  up the front of the house
Today's Plan:   Write some blog articles, finish painting a door,maybe shop at TJ Maxx for some discount shoes.

Drinking: A hot, fresh cup of   Hazelnut Coffee with plain powdered creamer,
No sugar please!

Listening to:  the sounds of  a lawn mower cutting grass and birds cheering them on!

Reading:  "American Lion- Andrew Jackson in the White House "by Jon Meacham.
Very interesting history.  I like Jackson a lot and have great discussion with the Famous Anonymous Kid who can't stand him!

Pondering:    My dear family.
At her concert, the famous anonymous kid played Claire de Lune perfectly.
 brag brag brag.She had worried about it for weeks, needlessly.


Also pondering why I have so many readers but so few comments.

Front walk needs sweeping and cleaning up. But the Siberian Iris is doing nicely.
It grows in the front pond as well.


  1. I hope you can find some good shoe sales today. We have a TJMaxx near us and I never thought of looking for shoes there. Pretty Siberian Iris! I need to get some plants that I can grow in pots since I rent here. Have a great Sunday, my friend.

    1. It's hit or miss at TJ Maxx. Sometimes you find the best shoes for next to nothing. But you have to keep looking.
      Hope your Sunday is great too Melanie!


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