z Cottage by the Sea : A Day by the Bay
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, July 21, 2017

A Day by the Bay

Join in with Friday Foto Friends at Debbie's.
It is very hot here by the New Jersey shore but we are keeping cool.

Here are more photos of the bay I enjoy so much.

Water color changes with the mood from bottle green to navy blue and every shade between

Here the creek empties into the open Barnegat Bay

small cove in the salt marsh

Salt marsh meets open bay and in the distance you see the barrier island with ocean on other side

Sparkling sun in late afternoon


  1. Love your header, did you paint it? Your photo's are so peaceful.
    Visiting from Debbie Breathing in Grace, Friday Foto Friends

  2. You live in such a lovely place! There is so much beauty all around, whether we be along the seashore, in the mountains, or in the woods...God's Presence is manifest in all of His creation. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of His glory in the seas. Have a blessed day my friend.

  3. I see why you love it so much. It's gorgeous!!

  4. What a beautiful place to live. It's soooo hot here. I had a reader tell me she liked it and didn't even run her air....phew, she's a better woman than me!! ;-) HOPE you have a great weekend.

  5. Enjoyed all your pictures, it's so pretty there.

  6. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH how relaxing and you are one lucky girl, smiles. Hope you have a lovely weekend, friend.

  7. Your photos are wonderful , as is the header , as always !
    The advantage of those marvelous photos is that one can enjoy the beauty without 89%humidity !!!
    Keep cool , my friend !

  8. Hi Annie, Love the photos of the Bay, makes me wish I was there. Love your new header too. Have a day of blessings my friend.

  9. Dearest Annie,
    you're amazing me more and more with your gorgeous shots, I'm sincerely feeling in awe, thanks most sincerely !

    Wishing you a most lovely Saturday and Sunday ahead,
    I'm sending all my love to you, Lovely Lady

    XOXO Dany

  10. Hi Annie! Your photos are gorgeous! Just looking at them is cooling! Love the header!


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