z Cottage by the Sea : A Little Wisdom
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, July 29, 2017

A Little Wisdom

Today's Weather


  1. How true is that, Annie...smiles...no rain here, it was really nice yesterday-thru the door open and some windows, I guess the humidity is making a return though, sigh...smiles

    Have a beautiful day friend.

  2. Thank you for more good advice...much needed .
    Worrying also steals tomorrow's health,
    with loss of peace today and loss of sleep tonight !
    Visiting you is the best part of my day !
    Be well...

  3. So true . . God tells us not to worry and I try hard to always remember He is in control.

  4. Great quote, and very true! I also really enjoyed your Puerto Rico post. I've been there a few times and have some wonderful memories that your post stirred up!!


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