z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Foto Friends... Puerto Rico
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, July 28, 2017

Friday Foto Friends... Puerto Rico

I am joining in for Debbie's Foto Friends.

Puerto Rico is a jewel hovering between the Atlantic and the Caribbean.
She is beautiful, amazing and the people are  wonderful.
Here are some photos from my daughter's trip there in early July.
The Famous Anonymous Kid has a pen pal there they went to meet. These girls are like two peas in a pod and hit it off as if they had spent their lives together as sisters.

The photos do not do the Caribbean justice. It is neon turquoise and just amazingly crystal clear.
The people of Puerto Rico are friendly and hospitable.
a street in Old San Juan

The Four Seasons

Christopher Columbus who arrived in Puerto Rico November 19, 1493

 Both Christopher Columbus and Ponce De Leon are beloved in Puerto Rico.
As we learned it in school: "In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety Two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue" on three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.

The final resting place of the great Ponce De Leon the explorer who became the first governor of Puerto Rico!


Atlantic coastline of Puerto Rico

Castillo San Felipe del Morro  16th century citadel in San Juan

Castillo San Felipe del Morro

Castillo San Felipe del Morro

The beautiful Atlantic Ocean side of Puerto Rico

More Atlantic from the Fort

Ylang Ylang, the main ingredient in Chanel No 5

The El Yunque Rain Forest (no bugs! as the ecosystem is perfect. You can even drink the water)

waterfalls are all over the place

El Yunque from the look out station

A view of the canopy of El Yunque Rain Forest. You can walk through miles of it, all very safe.

The Caribbean side of the Island at Cabo Rojo

Caribbean Sea in Puerto Rico

Pink water..salt flats

swimming in the Caribbean


  1. Very pretty, Annie...it is like I am there. I had no idea Ylang Ylang was the main ingredient in Chanel #5 and I love that perfume, smiles.

    Have a beautiful day friend. smiles

    1. My daughter said the flower smelled exactly like the perfurm!

  2. Coming here is like being on vacation...
    especially on this grey and cloudy day...thank you !
    Always a lovely way to start my day .
    Be well , my friend !

  3. Wow! Wow! Wow! What gorgeous photos! I never thought about wanting to travel to Puerto Rico before. Wonder why the people want to leave such beauty. That flower is strange which just goes to show that fragrant smells can come from something unattractive on the outside.

    1. Thanks Nonnie, they are taken on my daughters phone.
      The economy is collapsing badly in Puerto Rico and poverty is everywhere.
      They do not have enough tourism to sustain them.
      Also young people will not farm even though Puerto Rican soil is the world's richest and their coffee, sugar and tobacco industry is dying. The youth want college and advancement. But, a small island will not sustain that kind of life style. They need farmers, they need to use their land better as well.
      The people are hard working, wonderfully friendly, religious people.

  4. A great post filled with the beautiful architecture and natural beauty of Puerto Rico. Good job!

  5. Wow! I feel like I have been to San Juan... Absolutely gorgeous.. and so diverse.... too often tours do not include the gorgeous wilds of a place.. and now I need to grab my towel and dry off from my Caribbean dip! Thanks for posting!!!

  6. I use ylang ylang essential oil.....Love being able to see the flower. Absolutely beautiful place to visit. Thank you so much for sharing! 💜

  7. What wonderful photos Annie. Puerto Rico is so beautiful. I'm glad I was able to take the "tour" with you. 💜 I'm glad you got into watching my favorite show from across the ocean. A Touch Of Frost was another favorite of mine. I haven't seen that one in years. Have a day of blessings my friend.

  8. So very beautiful! I love all of the colors of their buildings. It makes things interesting.

  9. Great pictures! Did now know that Ylang Ylang leaves were so big. I have Young Living Essential oil and it smells so good!


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