z Cottage by the Sea : A Creative Adventure in the Library
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, September 11, 2017

A Creative Adventure in the Library

No,  not Colonel Mustard in the library with the candlestick! That's the game "Clue".
This is a meme by Toni at Toni's Treasures.

 I enjoy memes because you can get to know other bloggers. Their likes, dislikes and ideas come through in their take on memes.
I wrote some a while back but there was a lack of interest so I discontinued it but Toni is doing them now and it's great!

Without further ado, here is Toni's latest Creative Adventure.  Please join in, it is such fun to read what others post and you know you're looking for something to post about!

 "The City Library"

A wonderful mystery!
Hercule Poirot is always great!

1.   While driving home from work you stop in front of the city's huge library building to pick up 2 books titled "Murder in the Mews" by Agatha Christie and "44 Charles Street" by Danielle Steele.
Danielle Steele has written many great novels and many were made into TV movies. Agatha Christie mysteries have been television series and movies!
These are two favorites of mine.

2.   Upon entering the library through the front door you see that there are not many people in the library today.
At the main desk, the librarian is stamping books. She peers up at you from under her  bifocals without missing a beat with her little stamp. She isn't really interested in you or anything by the looks of it. The stamp rains down on the book full force. The woman means business.
A young mother emerges from the children's book room exasperated and fuming. She is desperately trying to juggle her children's book choices in her arms.  Evidently they have never heard the words "no more" and are unable to help out with the load.  Kids in tow, she heads for the desk to check out. 
The librarian rolls her eyes in disgust.  This means she'll have to stop the stamping routine. She isn't happy about it.

There is a silver haired woman looking over the newest best sellers. Her glasses keep falling down her nose as she looks at the bottom row. You can't help but smile. It seems to be a full time job for her today. She looks serious as she struggles to read the titles. She will be there a while it seems.

3.   Walking through the many aisles of books you hear a quiet conversation going on.
 It sounds  like a murder being planned...but you'll need to hear more.
As you remove a book from the shelf you get a good look at the two men on the other side slightly oblique to you. One is tall and dark and the other shorter and wearing a  green plaid shirt.
The men are pretending to look at books but obviously carrying on a furtive conversation in the murder mystery aisle. 

"It  will work, trust me on this" said the taller man."This is not my first time."

This is a disturbing conversation.  You wonder if it is wise to hang around to hear more. It might be  best to get yourself out of there while you can.  But your curiosity is peeked. Your heart is urging you to go but your feet aren't cooperating at all.  They are rooted firmly to the floor.

"You're delusional Mike." said plaid shirt. "It isn't a good plan. I mean, I don't see how you expect this to work."

"Delusional is a pretty strong word.   Look,  I got this whole thing planned out. There is no other way to get rid of her," tall man whispered. "She's got to go quickly and this is the only way to get her out of my way."

"I don't like this Mike.  They''ll know who did it immediately,"replied plaid man. "I mean, this is so blatant, so out and out in your face! Can't you find another way?"

"I  have the gun planned out. I know the right time . I know how to get her where I need her to be.  It's all down pat. It will go over right, I'm telling you. One shot and it's over," said tall man Mike.

You are stunned and troubled by what you hear and you certainly don't want them to notice that you are over hearing this conversation so you stay where you are on the other side of the book shelf. You're safe as long as you stay quiet. Silently you replace the books you removed. You hope they won't notice.

"Mike, I think you really need to think this out more. I'd hate to see you make  a serious mistake at this stage of your life. Things have been going so well for you."says plaid man.
"I am writing it this way and I don't care if the reader knows the murderer from the start. I've got an ending twist that will make their heads spin!" said tall man.

"Well you are a good author Mike. You've always had best sellers!" plaid man admitted.

You sigh and chuckle at yourself.  You always seem to create something out of nothing.

4.   You check out your books, smile to yourself and think that this was an interesting day. You've got a good story to tell your friends.

Okay, it' your turn to write a little library adventure and we can't wait to read it.


  1. giggling...you know...I told Toni I would participate and I forgot...loved yours, Annie. Keeping you in prayer.

  2. These are awesome answers.... what an imagination you have. Praying for you, sweet Friend.

  3. I loved your game version Annie. Wish I could think like you. Hope all is well my friend. keeping you in prayer too.


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