z Cottage by the Sea : 9 11
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, September 11, 2017

9 11

We deserve truth.
The video is long and somewhat technical  but well worth your time and not hard to understand. People have grown lazy in modern times of fast food and instant news. Sad to say because it shows in the level of education today.

Don't live with your head in the sand.  Truth can be difficult but it sets you free.
What happened on 911?  I don't know but I have a better understanding now.


  1. We have no doubt Cold Fusion played a part...we (all 3 of us here at home) watched it together...thank you friend...unfort.the gvt. Will never own up to the very fact there was a hurricane that day, although there was/is proof...good work, Annie.smiles

    Ps it took my 20 yr old to explain what Cold Fusion is, wink...smarty pants

    1. Thank goodness for smart young men! Yup cold fusion ,directed energy.
      There was a movie out about it with Val Kilmer called "The Saint" and how it was discovered etc. Supposed to have been fictional but, you wonder if they had it even then.


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