z Cottage by the Sea : Barnegat Bay.. friday foto friends
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, September 1, 2017

Barnegat Bay.. friday foto friends

Join in with Debbie

Barnegat Bay is ever changing.
After Hurricane Sandy in Oct of 2012, it changed a lot and even now it is not all as it was. We are still rebuilding and its been a few years.
Many of us are still repairing damage.
Beaches and bulkheads are still being restored in some places.
In my neighborhood many homes are just now going up on stilts.
So I think of Texas when I look around me and know they will have a lot of work cut out for them.
 Here are my photos for Friday Foto Friends.
My favorite place by the Bay
Favorite place again. Just closer. Lovely day.

Raindrops on the bay

If you enlarge this you will see the raindrops on the water

Salt Marsh and open bay to the side of my house

Canadian Geese with their babies


  1. Still, though, Annie, very pretty...smiles...I have been hearing the Canadian Geese flying overhead-just a "honking" (grin). I guess they have come back from where ever they were, giggling.

    Have a beautiful day, friend, I trust you are feeling better?

  2. Gorgeous photos! What a blessing to live close to the ocean and yet ... those hurricanes. So you know from experience what Houston is going through and will go through for a long time. I read that many of the people there had moved from New Orleans after Katrina and now they are facing the same problems. So very sad.

  3. Enjoyed your pictures! I understand about rebuilding after such terrible storms. Living on the Gulf Coast I know all about rebuilding! Here we are again with years of rebuilding ahead of us. When these storms come our way we are so powerless, sure not a good feeling.

  4. A beautiful place to wander and your photos are wonderful!

  5. What a gorgeous place you live...but I think I've said that before. I love the pic of the Canadian geese. I actually got to hear some flying over the house one day heading south...a rarity in these here parts. ;-) HOPE you're feeling better, sweet Lady. Have a great weekend.

  6. You truly live in a lovely place..so peaceful. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of the beauty of God's wonderful shore...especially after knowing it was once devastated by storm...and now it is so peaceful and beautiful again. May your weekend be filled with joy and blessing.

  7. You capture the small,quiet moments so full of beauty...
    thank you!
    Mend quickly,my friend!


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