z Cottage by the Sea : The Bay and The Sky Keeping up with Back Where I Come From Challenge
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, September 8, 2017

The Bay and The Sky
Keeping up with Back Where I Come From Challenge

It is time for Friday Foto Friends and Skywatch Friday and the month long Back Where I Come From challenge at McClendon Villa
 Here are some photos for Foto Friends snd Skywatch Friday
Why not join in and meet new people and show everyone your photo handiwork  ?

All photos are of my neighborhood and you can click them to see them full sized.
Photos were taken with my Canon Power Shot 560A. I am certainly no pro at photo taking but I try.

I love the bay at sunset because the colors and scenes can be breathtaking.
Photographs don't do them justice really.

The sun is setting behind the dark clouds. It produced a neon effect.

You can see the culprit causing the neon.. the sun slowly melting into the distance.

A close up of this neon effect in the clouds and a guest appearance by a seagull

Sometimes it is gold, sometimes pink and lavender.

A golden pathway to the sun

Many boaters come to our cove to spend the weekend. They love the pink and lavender too I guess.

A bit blurry, but I like it anyway for the colors.

I wish the sunsets lasted longer. I snap away like crazy to get as many photos as I can.

A sunset like fire and "The Little's" curly hair in the foreground

The sky looks like molten lava sometimes.

A little Photoshop could not be helped. Had to draw what I saw and this cloud was peeking over and needed a nose, eyes and hands. He just did!
A Fishy get Together in big pond

I don't have a telephoto lens so this is not so clear.  But he is a majestic fellow isn't he?

 A quiet spot on the bay ... I love the tiny ripples .

Taken last year in Autumn, I like the pink shining on the changing leaves....

Taken last Autumn in the front yard

I like this photo a lot. It isn't a good photo but I like it anyway.

The Little and her big Sister the Famous Anonymous Kid both swim and surf like fish.  Little loves to float on her back down the creek.  It empties into the bay just up ahead.  You can see it in the photo below.
Creek empties into the open bay here.
I like how the sun lights up the Mugho pine 's trunk.

Here are my answers to questions 6,7 and 8 on the month long challenge Back Where I come From .
   Did your town have a river running through or near it? What was its name?
A tiny creek which was a tributary of Morses Creek a large creek that empties ino the  Arthur Kill in New jersey. Very small in my town and extremely shallow there too

    Did you ever participate in creating graffiti or any type of artwork that would have been confrontational?
No. Not my style. I make peace not war!

    How old were you when you took your first drink of alcohol, if you ever have? What were the circumstances surrounding that moment?
I am not a drinker and so I have no idea.  I am sure I had wine from my dad's cup when I was small. Something like Manischewitz which I loved. He bought it cuz I liked the taste, I do know that. He brought it home on Friday night .


  1. You have a wonderful variety of beautiful colors in your skies! Have a nice weekend.

  2. Breathtakingly beautiful, even your photoshop, lol. I hope you have a lovely weekend, Annie...it's 54* and raining here in western NY. (Ducking)--giggling

  3. Beautiful pictures!!! I even loved the little man in the sky!

  4. You have a special talent to share beauty in unexpected places .
    Thank you !
    Be well...

  5. Sooooo late to visit, but your fotos are awesome. HOPE you're having a good weekend.

  6. Your sunsets have such beautiful colors. I love the pinks and purples especially, but the fiery colors are great, too. Your Photoshop creation made me smile. :)

    I think it is better to make peace instead of war, too. Have a blessed weekend.

  7. These are some great photos. I certainly agree that cameras don't capture the full beauty that we see with our eyes.

  8. Hi Annie, I have finally updated! Love all your pictures, especially your grand swimming.
    Have a nice week. Hugs


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