z Cottage by the Sea : A Sunday in October....
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, October 8, 2017

A Sunday in October....


  1. That was an interesting movie...
    more than a "fluff piece" love story...
    an interesting study into who folks think we are
    and who we really are after effective soul searching,
    A "bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils" too sharp for you?
    He also remembered her favorite flower and brought daisies
    when she was sick!
    Be well,my friend!

  2. UGH...its so muggy here in western NY...still raining too.

    I loved that movie, thank you for the smiles, friend.

  3. Love that movie too! It's been humid here too, we had the rain for two days now. It's cool at night, so leaving the windows open to catch the breeze is wonderful! We took the ac out , I rather the fresh air at this time of year!


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