z Cottage by the Sea : Autumn at the Bay.. Friday Foto Friends
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, October 6, 2017

Autumn at the Bay.. Friday Foto Friends

Welcome to another Friday Foto Friends!
Hosted by Debbie, it is a weekly affair that allows you to post photos and share them with your friends, old and new.  You should join in.

It is autumn in Southern New Jersey at the shore...

The woods behind me

Wisteria on the porch awning rail is hanging in with green!

Mint that hangs into the pond remains green for a long, long time!

Barnegat Bay


  1. Pretty, pretty...thank you for the smiles... I noticed the "colors" here in Western NY today.

  2. You certainly captured the allure of autumn!!! Love the header painting.. did you do it?!?!

  3. Hi Annie! Beautiful pictures! I do love autumn as well! Our colors are just starting to Change! I am hoping we get out for a few long rides to enjoy! I copied your coconut recipe, my hubby loves! Thank you!

  4. Oh, that header... I get lost in your paintings... You're so talented. What a blessing to live where you are.... beautiful seas and gorgeous fall colors. Thanks for sharing, dear Lady. Hope you're feeling well these days. Happy weekend!

  5. Beautiful Autumn photos Annie. You do live in a wonderful part of Jersey. Have a blessed weekend dear friend.

  6. Wonderful post...from the comforting header
    to those lovely photos...aaahhhhh...
    Thank you !
    Be well , my friend!

  7. Gorgeous photos, Annie! I hope your autumn is beautiful for you, my friend :)



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