z Cottage by the Sea : At Home
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, February 8, 2018

At Home

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Be it ever so humble,there's no place like home.
I am showing some photos from the homefront for Friday Foto Friends this week.

This little kitchen serves up many meals. The orange cast iron pot from Belgian was my mother's. It's been holding strong for a long, long time!
My challenge right now is trying to get the under cabinet lights up. The cabinets are natural solid cherry and hard as rocks. I have to rope someone into drilling for me ;).

I made baked ziti last weekend

Baked Ziti\

 And chicken soup is  usually made every week cooked in the orange Belgian cast iron pot that was my mother's.
What kind of meals do you make?

There is a little leather topped desk on the Breakfront. My friend's mother got it for me at Habitat for Humanity. It is solid  hard wood throughout and sturdy as can be. It's from the 40's I think.
I may refurbish it.

The little table in the process of being set for friends to eat.
Looking for napkins and etc......

And a thought for Friday...


  1. Such a pretty home. I especially like your kitchen cabinets. They look so much like my Mom's. I'm really not much of a cook due to my husband's very picky eating habits. That ziti looks so good! Thanks so much for sharing fotos of your home. Hope you have a great weekend! 💜

    1. Thanks Debbie. I like my little house too though it needs a ton of work. It's not in great condition.

  2. You have a beautiful home Annie both kitchen and dining room. I can almost taste your ziti and soup. I almost thought I went to the wrong blog with you new header. It's so cute! Have a day of blessings my friend.

    1. Thanks Toni. I stole the header idea from Linda! I use Bitmoji too and thought how cute her header with her bitmoji looked so I made about 10 of them yesterday. Keeps me busy :).
      My house isn't much larger than a lot of apartments, creative photography makes it look better than it is LOL

  3. I've heard of Ziti but it sure looks good. Your home looks so inviting love the breakfront!

    1. Baked Ziti is like lasagna but you use ziti instead :). It's pretty good too!

  4. I love your kitchen and your orange belgian pot! I can imagine you have cooked many a delicious dish in that pot on your beautiful shiny stove! I made some chicken noodle soup last night! The Ziti sure looks tempting and delicious! Making me want some of that. That breakfront is gorgeous...never saw one with a little leather desktop before! That is wonderful. I'm wondering what you are thinking about in restoring it? Paint or refinish? I'll be curious to see. Your table looks so inviting. May I come and sit with you there? I'd love to do that someday...and you could teach me to paint...(did I say DAY? That might take YEARS!) LOL. Love visiting in your home today. This was delightful, looking through your open window into your home!!

    1. Thanks Pamela. I wish you were here for dunner too!
      I was thinking of maybe painting it black with chalk paint, then waxing it. What stops me is the intricacy of the breakfront. Cubbies, drawers, etc. It has some wear and tear on the surface, but really nothing terribly bad. I would love to replace the knobs and pulls as well but the one on the desk seems pretty permanent and the leather topped desk is a worry too.
      If I can restore it a bit with some cherry stain that might work but it would be in pieces and not sure how that would work out.
      I've done desks, bureaus, etc before.. sanded down to nothing and redone them but I was not disabled then either.
      I'll let you know what I end up doing. For now I just think about it :).

  5. How nice to be invited into a nice,warm kitchen on such a cold day...and shown such yummy food ! You are such a good hostess !
    Be warm and well,my friend...

  6. I have a pot that is red and was also my mother's. That is my go-to pot...especially for making soups! Your soup looks delicious.

    Love the breakfront and you have it arranged so beautifully. I love the little table that folds out...so very practical and yet so very beautiful at the same time.

    You set a lovely table, Annie!

    1. The appliances and pots from back in the day are still going strong.
      I still use my mother's Revere Ware cook set, her Osterizer blender from 1962 and my fathers weed whacker from the 60s as well. They are still in great shape.

  7. Everything is so inviting, from the kitchen cabinets, the ziti, and the furniture. Love the Narnia quote. I baked ziti, but yours looks super delicious. Do you put yours under the broiler to melt that cheese on top?
    I have an old Oster blender that is still grinding and blending, too.

    1. Hi Nonnie, I bake the ziti in my Oster Convection oven since my big oven is broken. I bake for a while with foil over it then the last 15 or 20 mins without the foil and it browns up nicely.
      Glad you enjoyed the post.

  8. The ziti and soup look so yummy. Mr D and I love homemade soups, our favorite thing to eat during the winter.

    1. They turned out nicely and they were very good :).
      Nothing like good hot soup in the winter!

  9. You've made me so hungry. Love your kitchen and the little desk is so unique.

  10. I think you have a lovely cosy home. The food looks so yummy too and I'm sure your guests enjoyed being treated to your home cooked meal. It's hard to say what I like to cook because I like variety I try to cook many different things. But in winter I really love hearty soups of all kinds. By the way your mom's Belgian pot looks in excellent condition. I have a similar red one which is not nearly as old and it doesn't look anywhere near as good. Have a lovely weekend, Annie.


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