z Cottage by the Sea : Rest in Peace Art Bell
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Rest in Peace Art Bell

Art Bell died yesterday.
It is the passing of a great era of night time radio and a true legend in the field.

One person on Twitter had a great line about his passing:
Those of us who love radio will miss his broadcasts.
Bye Art, see you on the flip side.


  1. I don't know him by name, but probably know him by his voice. RIP Art.

  2. Lovely Tribute to Art Bell. Not being able to get many stations here in my neck of the woods Annie, I never heard him. RIP Mr. Bell! Have a blessed evening my friend.

    1. Since I am in a dead zone as well, I get very little on the radio so I heard him in the internet as many channels stream on internet.
      Without cable we don't get TV here either. We are half way between Philly and NYC and something to do with that and being near the sea does something or other lol.
      Years ago I was able to hook up a second internet cable to a radio antenna and get tons of stations but, doesn't work anymore or I can't make it work anymore.
      Anyway, most radio stations stream online nowadays.

  3. I'm not familiar with this person, Annie, but since you enjoyed listening to him, I know you will miss him.

  4. I never listened to Mr. Bell's radio program but I know some who did and it sounds like he addressed some wide ranging and interesting issues.


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