z Cottage by the Sea : Memorial Day 2
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day 2

from the local news
Memorial day is the annual "Blessing of the Fleet" in our town where boat owners gather to have their boats blessed and a service is held in the middle of the bay to honor the fallen. Taps is played
and a memorial wreath is laid on the water. Everyone then throws in carnations and roses they have brought to the service. There will be a parade in one of our little townships and a memorial service at the library to honor the fallen. What does your town do to honor Memorial Day?


  1. OOHRAH...being married to a former Marine (he hates that term, 'former'). I would loved to have seen this, Annie. There is always a parade and dedications at the war memorial. The parade isn't as big as the July 4th or St. Patrick' day ones though. Hope you had a lovely day, my friend. smiles

  2. Thank you for this post !
    Some of the "disconnect" between generations seems to be that the former ones are not remembered , nor respected , nor valued . So glad your articles remind us all !
    Be well , my friend !

  3. Our local community is very small. I am sure the VFW did something, but I didn't see anything public here. However the city of Ocala, which is about 30 miles away, but our biggest city nearby, has a wonderful Veteran's Memorial Park, and they had activities all weekend long, including the traveling Vietnam memorial Wall. We passed by there on our way to visit my MIL at the nursing home, and I didn't realize that the "wall" was there until later. Wish I'd known, as I would have loved to have seen it.


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