z Cottage by the Sea : A Happy Bayside Day
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A Happy Bayside Day

Me at the beach..in my native habitat
Weather has been chilly and rainy for the last few days and by the seashore where many people depend on tourism for income, that isn't a good thing especially on the Memorial Day weekend which has long been the kick off for the Jersey Shore summer.
The shore season ends on Labor Day weekend, when tourists head home and snow bunnies go to their Florida homes.  Then it is just us natives and we have the beaches all to ourselves again.
It got cold enough for heat to kick on Saturday and Sunday when it dipped down into the low 50s in the day and 40s at night!
Our tourists come from the northern states, Pennsylvania , Canada and many from Ireland. They come every year so it is sad to see them disappointed by rain. Most make the best of it, however.
To me, however, the bay and the beautiful mid Atlantic are beautiful all the time, rain or shine and since I live here year around I had better love it l

Here is a little video of the bay that I took using my Android phone. 


  1. I could just see myself sitting on that dock (or deck) with my feet hanging touching the water and listening to the waves rolling in. One of the most peaceful sounds on earth. Loved the video. Have a day of blessings dear Annie.

  2. Lovely water rolling in...loved the sound of it. Was it also raining? I thought I heard rain, but not sure. We have had a lot of rain here this weekend, but thankful for it because it has helped to keep it a little cooler and our AC is not working, so we are thankful for all the help we can get. Summer has started...our community is a snowbird community primarily, but it is also busy in the summer with the springs and the lakes and river all nearby. Many people were here with boats this weekend in spite of the rain. We've just stayed inside and kept away from the bugs and raindrops. And sat in front of fans...lots of fans. AC should be fixed by the weekend, we are hoping. Loved your post. I always do.

  3. Beautiful....today it was/still is 91* here in western NY, hang on, the warmer weather is coming...not that I am fan, I'm not a summer girl, LOL.

    Hope you had a great day, regardless of the weather.

  4. p.s. I LOVE THE HEADER!!!! {{{squealing--- you probably heard it, LOLOL}}}

    1. I was changing the header and profile probably when you were reading the post. Thanks, glad you like it.. do you mean the one of me and my doggy on the dock? Drew that while she was still around.
      I thought I heard something ;).

  5. Love the header and the post...wonderful to start my day with the sound of bay waves !
    Thank you for all you do for us !!!
    Be well , my friend !

  6. Your header is beautiful! WOW! I just love your video, I could listen to the sounds of the water and waves for a really long time. So peaceful.
    I hate that it has been raining. I know the tourist industry counts on that money. The weather is so crazy. It is hot at my house and super humid. I think the gulf storms are pushing in the humidity. It is always humid here though.
    Have a super great day!


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