z Cottage by the Sea : Wednesday Haiku No 26
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wednesday Haiku No 26

So many things are happening this week and as usual, the world is in an uproar. Most of the uproar is hypocritical rock throwing by a very evil fake-snowflake generation who get their virtue from public displays of self righteous indignation. We don't need to join the uproar, we can step out of it. Let's take a step back and away from  to the sane and safe world of Haiku where nature subdues evil with calm.

Into the darkness
 which a lightning-streak
Has Slashed...
recedes the wild night-heron's shriek. 

nacreous :mother of pearl clouds


The midnight sky:
an oyster shell
aswirl with nacreous flakes 
of cloud;
The moon: a pearl.


                  Seaside Sketch

A gloomy downpour,
pierced by shafts of light;
Out on the glittering sea,
the sails are white!

Most Precious Possession

Still on my window sill
the moonlight is left.
 The thief overlooked it
in his theft.


  1. "evil fake-snowflake generation"....HMMM...GIGGLING....thanks, I about snorted with that one, not very lady like, if you ask me, but since you didn't, lol.

    As usual, I enjoy your Wednesday thoughts. smiles

  2. Calm is a great neutralizer .
    Helpful post...as always .
    Thank you !
    Be well , my friend

  3. Hi Ann! Great Haiku today! I loved the meanings, and calm, that is what we all need at this time! Happy thursday!

  4. Oh, this was good!! Loved everyone of these thoughts...I think I love the moonlight on the windowsill the best...


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