z Cottage by the Sea : Saving the World.
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Saving the World.

Not for the faint of heart.


  1. I'm trying to think where I have seen this before. I know Madcow (oops Maddox) had a "spoof" about this...anyways, very disturbing. Is it true? Me says, "I have no doubt" not that I am a conspiracy theorist, as a Historian, I have to deal in facts. Facts are very disturbing...which leads me to believe it is true. Just my honest opinion. I also believe there is the "deep state", much like what it being discussed here. Being married to a Mason, I can not even begun to tell you how true this is...is it myth? I don't know...What I hear, read etc...its just really scary. My favorite saying, "Be Awoke."

  2. Wow! First time I've seen this Annie and all I can say is we need more prayer warriors. Have a day of blessings my friend.

  3. NOT MADDOX. Maddow. gee, get it together Linda. LOLOLOL

  4. Shocking , sobering and yet somehow comforting that we've not been betrayed , subjugated and abused with no recourse nor rescue . God help us and bless America , indeed !


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