z Cottage by the Sea : Wednesday Hodge Podge a 2nd post for Wednesday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wednesday Hodge Podge
a 2nd post for Wednesday

For those faint of heart who may find the previous post today troubling .. here is an easier to take Hodge Podge post for Wednesday.
Join in Hodge Podge at  From This Side of the Pond.
 I am not doing Haiku since the last Haiku received no interest and sits like an unloved orphan.

Let's jump right in to the Hodge Podge:

 A Garden State Hodge Podge

1. Security or freedom? Can you have both? Explain.

Yes, but only if you have a government that is not corrupt.
Corrupt government  limits freedom while using tight control. Corrupt government would be all about removing the Bill of Rights.  If one of them go.. they will all go quickly like a house of cards.
Security comes from  standing firm and enforcing law.

2. If you could visit any historical American site what would it be? Why?
Washington's Winter Headquarters, Morristown NJ
 I would  go back to  Gettysburg. It was a wonderful trip but sad.
I would love to visit Plimouth Plantation in Plymouth, Massachusetts, especially for Thanksgiving.
I also enjoy going to Washington's winter headquarters here in Morristown, NJ.  There are a lot of Revolutionary War sites in New Jersey.

3. Free as a bird, free reign, be free of, free enterprise, free trip, walk away scot free, free for all...which 'free' phrase can best be applied to your life in recent days or weeks? Explain.

None of them seem to apply to me right now.
4. Something in your frig that's red? Something in your house that's white? Something in your view that's blue?
Refrigerator:an apple
House: my bedroom curtains
In my View: my top is navy blue.

  5. July 27th is National New Jersey Day. Have you ever visited The Garden State?

I live in the Garden State!
 If so where did you go? 
Everywhere except Secaucus, which, sorry, but is probably no big loss.
Are there diners where you live?

Yup. Tons of them. NJ is known for them.
Taylor Ham, fried egg and cheese on a Kaiser  Roll.

 Have you tried Taylor Pork Roll?

Actually, though I don't eat pork, I have had it. Its very New Jersey. 

Taylor Ham with a fried egg and cheese on a roll  is huge in NJ.

Do you like to play Monopoly?
Yes. Not a bad game.

Salt water taffy-yay or nay?
Its okay but I wouldn't go out of my way for it.

How do you feel about shopping at the mall?

I feel just dandy about it, especially around holidays. I love the crowds and decorations, music, etc.
Its dying out now. The mall by me is not doing well.

Springsteen, Sinatra, or Bon Jovi-you have to pick one.
I like one Bon Jovi song.. most of Sinatra. Not a huge Springsteen fan. Sorry Bruce.
Have to just go with Sinatra.

Raise your hand if you know why these add-on questions are appropriate on National NJ Day.
Ooo..OOo..."hand raised"..all are Jersey stuff.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
How about a nice NJ photo here taken  in my neighborhood.


  1. Great answers! I love that you live in NJ!! Happy NJ DAY! I am obsessed with Stone Harbor - my family has gone there for vacation every year since I was little! Jealous of your beautiful beaches!! I am now following you from HodgePodge - You can follow back if you wish at Annster's Domain

    1. Oh, I certainly will follow you! I love Stone Harbor, its beautiful there. I am just a bit farther north but live at the shore myself.

  2. The photos look so calm and inviting... Except for the pork roll. Shudder. Lol

    1. Your comment made me laugh. Not a pork eater myself and the sandwiches are sloppy to say the least not to mention loaded with calories and fat.

  3. I am probably Springsteen's #1 hater so I feel you. LOL. Nice photo of the boats.

    1. I just stick with Sinatra. His music was always good. :)

  4. PS I love the Hakiu's--unfort...you know where I have been the last several days which leaves computer time pretty much nil. Sigh, I will be back. smiles

    1. yup, I do. Summer is a bad time for blogging. I get hundreds of visitors, just very few comments in comparison to the number of people who frequent the blog.
      Haiku is hard to come by also and it takes a lot of time to select the right pictures to go with them so it seems that I will probably begin Haikus in the fall again.

  5. Well, this hodge podge was definitely right up your alley! Literally. I loved hearing all your answers. I am sorry about the Haiku. I am way behind in my reading since our trip last week and then just not feeling too great this week, and trying to get caught up on a lot of stuff. I always enjoy your haiku and pictures. But then again, I enjoy all of your posts. Have a blessed and beautiful day...

  6. Hi Annie; Enjoyed your Hodgepodge especially #5 and 6. I too am not a lover of Springsteen. Love the photo it's the sailboats I think LOL! Have a day of blessings my friend.

  7. Wonderful post !
    As a transplant to this state , I appreciate the shore and marshes...so like those where I grew up . There is a quiet , simple beauty there that is comforting/centering/grounding . I came originally for obligation and stayed for precious friends . Thank you !!!


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