z Cottage by the Sea : Summer in Bloom the cove and salt marsh
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, June 29, 2018

Summer in Bloom
the cove and salt marsh

Summer approached quietly and timidly this year with an end to spring that was chilly and rainy.
But now summer has decided to step up her presence and be a force to be reckoned with once again as temperatures climb higher here at the shore much to the delight of beach goers.
I am just as happy with the cool temperatures.

Here are some photos for Friday Foto Friends and Skywatch Friday.
Click on any photo to see it full sized.
I hope your skies are bright and sunny today and every day.

Pink sunset above the cedar tops in the salt marsh

Happy little clouds floating by at sundown

I took this from the front porch of my house looking up through the trees to the west at sunset

The cove here takes on all hues at sunset. Constantly changing.       Fish were jumping, happy with full tummies.

The neighborhood thru the greenery

Up close and personal view of the salt marsh. I found a baby mink here sunning himself one day. He was happy to see me, sweet little guy.

done up Polaroid style

Sparkles on the water dazzle the eyes.

Visitors come to spend the weekend in the cove

Meanwhile.. back at the ranch, I took the NERD test and found that I am a "mega-dorky nerd god". Okay.. I can deal with that.



  1. Oh how I love your photos today. The sunsets took my breath away...and the water/marsh/etc. all are just magnificent. Ha ha...a "mega-dorky nerd god"...that is funny, whatever that is!!! Don't think I want to know what I am. LOL. Have a blessed and beautiful summer weekend. You found a little mink? would love to have seen that!! so happy he wasn't on someone's coat!!! :)

  2. Hello, pretty sky captures and lovely scenes. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. ALl of your photos are always beautiful, but I am especially partial to sunsets. The one photo looks like a painting (The Cove taking on all hues). A little mink! Cool. You never said how warm it is there, that is, unless I missed it twice.

    1. Right now at 8:48PM it is 78F and 61% humidity. It has been warm the last few days.

  4. Wow...so many from which to choose...I have always liked to see fish jump, and I'm impressed that the baby mink was glad to see you... but, really, they're all lovely.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. Mega dorky nerd god... well, I'm impressed!! And great photos. I'm a BIG fan of salt marshes. I remember taking a graduate level class on the biology of marine estuaries... I've never looked at salt marshes the same since!!

  6. Lovely colour in all your photos Annie. Happy Skywatch Friday to you.

  7. I'm having such a problem commenting here Annie. I had to reload 4 times and click fast when the comment field comes up and disappears. I finally was able to beat the disappearance LOL!! Love all your wonderful photos and especially finding out you are a "mega dorky nerd god". :) Hopefully next time the comment field will show up for me. Have a blessed day dear friend.

  8. Beautiful...smiles. I'm so glad to see comments are back. Nodding in agreement with Toni.

  9. Smile! A mega dorky nerd...

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. Also the polaroid one. What a great area: Marsh and sea.


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