z Cottage by the Sea : A Painted Sky
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, October 5, 2018

A Painted Sky

Beauty is found everywhere, not just in exotic locations or resort settings. It is found in your own backyard and you will find it while doing everyday, mundane things like food shopping on a weekday evening.
As I was leaving the store and heading to the car to take my groceries home, this sky was blossoming above me. So, I stood in the parking lot watching it change over the next few minutes and taking phone photos as I stood there.   I do things like that, often. I stop and watch and look while everyone else is scurrying around.
Look around you for wonderful things. Look up, look down, look around and imagine the vignettes that are embedded in the view in front of you.

Cotton Candy

Why do the cars in the lot look so weird? Several photos came out like this on my Android phone.

Weird parking lot effect for some reason. I send the photos to email and I think that might have something to do with it.

I am joining in for Friday Foto Friends and Skywatch Friday  and you can join in as well.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I too like to stop and look for beauty no matter where I am and I appreciate little bits of grass or flowers that grow almost in any environment. The skies on your shopping expedition are truly beautiful. Have a glorious weekend.

  2. I love these sky/cloud photos, and the cars are somehow reflecting the light of the sky and our phones can't handle the magnificence of it all. But I love these pictures. We often stare at the clouds and see pictures in them. Sometimes it is difficult to drive because we are watching the clouds so much. So it is better to do what you do...look at them while standing still! LOL. I hope your weekend is glorious. I've been a bit busy this past week and haven't gotten around to reading everything. I saw your post from the Old Curiosity Shop, but I need to sit and concentrate on reading it and my brain isn't letting me do that for some reason. Read my blog today and you will understand why, perhaps! :)

  3. Hi Annie! I just needed this talk this morning, to center me and see the glory of God all around me! What beautiful pictures! I am really realizing how short life is and to appreciate every minute of every day!

  4. Those pink skies are just beautiful!! What a colorful Heavenly palette!!

  5. Wow!! That cotton candy sky is amazing! You don't get to see skies that beautiful very often. Thanks for sharing your photos, and have a great weekend!

  6. So beautiful .. and they definitely do look like cotton candy! 💜


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