z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Silliness
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Sunday Silliness

Sunday, the first day of the week and time for Sunday Stealing.
 Will you be joining in as well?

1. Have you ever tried to learn (or re-learn) a foreign language as an adult? Which one? What worked for you?
Well, I can read French and Hebrew very well but my speaking has declined in recent years so I was brushing up on that. I would love to learn Portuguese as I think it is the prettiest language.

3. Have you ever been in a play or musical?
Yes, many musicals both in singing parts and as a dancer. I was in the opera Carmen, Can Can , The King and I, South Pacific, Nutcracker,

4. Do you use certain text or ring tones for specific people? Who gets their own? Or do you just use the default on your phone?
I use specific for a few friends and for my kids etc. My regular ring tone is the Poirot theme song.

5. When did you get your first digital camera? Do you still shoot on actual film, or all digital now?
I got a digital a while back.. not sure when now.. with a gift card given to me and then along with my own money I was able to afford one.  I use it and my Android phone for photos.

6. What do you think someone else would say the most daring thing you’ve done is?
Stalled a plane engine in mid air with a student pilot many times.

7. Do you talk with your hands? Yes. I come from an Italian town.. of course I talk with my hands. 

8. Given the choice in a restaurant – would you go with a booth or table (or bar!!!) for seating?
I like to sit in a booth. I like the intimacy and privacy they give. Tables are where you get bumped, etc.

9. What kind of milk did you drink, growing up? And now?
I assume you mean whole, 2%. There was only whole as I recall and the dairy delivered it to our house in glass bottles. In winter the cream pushed the little paper cap up out of the bottle. The dairy man also brought butter in a big round pottery crock.
When my daughter was little she was allergic to the combiotic in milk. Combiotic is what they give to farm animals and horses all the time to prevent illness but, its no good for you, so we got raw medically certified milk from a friend for her. It was legal at the time.

10. How do you keep track of all your passwords? Do you make your passwords super complicated and change them often, or use the same ones over and over?
It's a secret.

11. Are you a note taker?
Depends on for what. In school I did and people would copy them since I was an A student. My notebooks were always missing until I tracked down who had them this time! Didn't bother me, I really never bothered with my notes much.

12. Do you remember what your first social media posting (or status update) was on Facebook or Twitter – without looking it up? What was it?
No.  Not sure about Twitter but  it was most likely political etc.

13. Do you have a “power” song?
No, I don't.

14. Do you have an eclectic mug collection, or is your stuff all matchy matchy?
Eclectic. I buy what I like at the time. But I am a cup and saucer girl. I am not  a mug lover anymore. Right now I am using my Jersey Shore mug which "Jersey Shore" in typewriter like font on it.

15. Do you have a junk drawer in your house/garage/at work/wherever?
No, I throw junk out. My "junk drawer" is the garbage.

16. Do you ever get the urge to watch a favorite scene from a movie, and watch just that scene?
Yes. It is fun to do that.

17. Have you ever woken up and felt guilty from a dream you had, or, mad at someone else for something they did in the dream?
Yes, I have woken up very angry at someone. Never felt guilty from a dream.

18.  How old were you when you took your first commercial flight? To where did you fly?
I was about 17 and was flying from Columbus, Ohio to Newark NJ.

19. Are you good at keeping track of your things – or do you easily misplace them? Do you ever leave anything behind when you travel?
Yes, I have a specific place for things. Never lost anything traveling.

20. Is there any place you go where time seems to stand still? What is it about that place that makes it that way?
At the ocean side of the beach. I don't know what makes it that way.I say ocean side since I live on the bay side of a peninsula.

And here is last week's that I missed:

1: Favorite style of clothing
2: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?

3: Have I ever kissed the last person I texted?
Yes, my daughter.

4: When did I last hold hands?
Ages ago.

 5: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
5 minutes.

6: Have I shaved my legs in the past three days?
I have never shaved my legs  as I don't have hair on my legs and never did.

7: Where am I right now?
I don't know where you are.

8: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
I have no idea if you do, but I do not.

9: How often do I wear a fake smile?
Not often.

10: When was the last time I hugged someone?
Thursday or Friday.

11: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?

12: What is something I disliked about today?
Not so far, no

13: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
"Jack" my make believe man of my dreams.

14: What do I think about most?
religion and anthropology.
15: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind it.
16: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
17: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
18: Do I believe in magic?
Yes , its just science you don't understand yet.
19: Do I believe in luck?
20: What's the weather like right now?
A bit humid in the 70s
21: What was the last book I've read?
The Slaughter of Cities by E. Michael Jones

22: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
Not really

23: What was the worst injury I've ever had?
My spine

24: Do I spend money or save it?
save it
25: Can I touch my nose with my tongue?


  1. Your power song didn't show up! Enjoyed reading the other answers, though.

  2. Hi Annie! Your blogs looks so cute! I love it. I am not sure I knew you were a dancer and how cool to be in such big productions! I am a fan of the theater!
    I am jealous you have no junk drawers! I have several and a room of extra stuff too. UGH! I never did finish cleaning the extra room I had hoped to clean over the summer. I enjoyed yoru answers! Have a nice day!


  3. Interesting answers and you are quite talented!! Wow!! I am terrified to be in front of a crowd. Good for you!

  4. Whoa, wait, what...stalled plane? (giggling)

    1. yup. You have to stall it in mid air as part of learning to fly. :)


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