Friday, October 26, 2018

Foto Friends on Friday

Chilly! That's the word for the weather despite prognostications to the contrary. Let me also add sunny to that as it has been very nice outside lately. Neighborhood kids are enjoying evening games of touch football in the street and on the beach and having a great time.

Here are some offerings for Friday Foto Friends and SkyWatch Friday.
If you click on the photos you can see them in larger size.
The first is the Empire State building during the Christmas holidays, all lit up in red and green and taken a few years ago.

Going into the city takes no time if we take a ferry.
People in New Jersey call New York City "the city".
Philadelphia, we call "Philly".
They are equidistant from me but no big roads lead to Philly. I can take the water to get to the city :)
Some people use a helicopter.

The sky by the bay at sunset is next.

Backyard photos of autumn leaves, maple, green ash and oak. Holly stays green as do the pines and cedars.  I am surrounded by water and woods.

Tomorrow is Saturday 9 and I will be participating.


  1. I went to NYC on my Senior trip in high school at the age of 18...we were blessed to get to go to the top of the Empire State Building I'd love to return as an adult. What a blessing for you to live so close. I'm partial to the sky fotos! Beautiful pink skies! And, as usual, I adore the header! Thanks so much for sharing on FFF and for your sweet comment. Happy weekend to you! 💜

  2. You certainly live in an amazing location...close enough to "the city" to take advantage of all it has to offer, and yet, out in the natural beauty of the woods by the are blessed, dear friend!! Thank you for sharing it with us. Loved it all.

  3. Great spot to live with nature and close proximity to 2 wonderful cities to visit.

  4. That sky shot with the patch of orange looks like a painting...very nice!! I grew up in Brooklyn and we called Manhattan 'the city'.

  5. All your photos cause me to go ooooh and ahhhh! So lovely where you live. Now, I am interested in knowing some of the books you have ghost written. I recently read a historical novel called New York by Edmond Rutherfurd. It was very interesting.

  6. Beautiful pictures! I've never been to 'the city.' I've traveled the mid states but I've never been east or west!! Maybe someday.

  7. Beautiful! I would love to some day go to Philly and The City. I love the picture of the Empire State Building.

  8. Sounds like great fun to take a ferry into the city. Really beautiful photos... the sky, the bay, and autumn leaves. Enjoy your weekend!

  9. You took some really gorgeous photos!! Wow!! Love these. I would opt for the ferry over back roads too!

  10. Your photos are beautiful, I love the autumn colors.

  11. Absolutely wonderful photos Annie. How I wish I could get around like you do. I would love to be able to take a ferry ride again. It's been quite as few years since I have taken one. Had a day of blessings my friend.


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