Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Haiku.. Sado Island

Sado Island in Japan is a great place to see the milky way and millions of stars at night. People from all over go there to take photos.
photo: Sado Island at night.
Author unknown

             Seas are wild tonight . .
          stretching over
          Sado Island
         Silent clouds of stars

Matsuo Basho, saw this same view back in the 1600s  on the beautiful Sado island, with its crystal clear waters and lovely shore. It only gets more dramatic at night!
I remember seeing the milky way as a child before so many lights began to blot out the view of the stars in so many places.
My father also bought a large telescope and we would view the moon up close and personal.  
 How about you?
 Have you seen the Milky Way?



  1. Beautiful! Yes I've seen the milky way late at night years ago when the air was clean and the area up here was mostly farm country. Wish I could upload a photo here that was taken on a nearby road by a fellow blogger who was riding one night on his motorcycle and stopped and took the photo. It was breathtaking. Have a blessed day dear Annie.

  2. That photo shows an amazing view of the stars and sky! Wow!

  3. Hi sweet Annie :)

    Yes, my dad had a telescope when I was a kid. John wants one, so I think I'll get him one for Christmas and I'll be able to see it again :)



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