Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday and My Day So Far....

Welcome! Today I am joining Melanie's My Day So Far. You can also join in here.

The date today:
Monday, October 22, 2018
How's the weather?
It is a blustery, sunny but chilly day by the shore today.
What are you wearing?
I am wearing denim and a purple and green plaid flannel shirt.
What chore around the house have you been putting off?
Straightening out the laundry room. I have to be in top condition to do it and sometimes the pain doesn't allow me to get going on some things.
Is there anything in your fridge you need to throw out?
What?  Do you even recognize it?
Yes, leftovers of roast beef dinner I forgot about and an old bottle of open sauce long past its use by date!

What are you reading?
G.K. Chesteron's Orthodoxy

A scripture verse you'd like to share.
Proverbs 17:18
"A man lacking judgment strikes hands in pledge and puts up security for his neighbor."
Is here a prayer request you'd like to share?
Having another ablation on November 8th.. a bit afraid. could use prayers for courage and that it works completely this time.

How about a creative project you are working on?
 One in progress or one still in your head. 
 The Thanksgiving menu and entertainment for the day

What special dish or baked item are you planning for this week?
Nothing special this week.

Your latest acquisition?
A new tablecloth for winter, a bit sparkly 
A photo you'd like to share?
This is a magazine cover I made using the little pond.
A funny graphic, photo or quote?
How about a snapchat photo of me incognito with rabbit ears?I think its pretty funny.
Any parting thoughts?
Yes. Some advice on authors to completely avoid reading.
One notable one is the works of John Updike a thoroughly awful, perverted man.
Here is a quote from Updike that accurately describes who and what he is though the record of his garbage is long and ugly in addition to this:
"I read and talked into a microphone and was gracious to the local rich, the English faculty and college president and the students with their clear skins and shining eyes and inviting innocence, like a blank surface one wishes to scribble obscenities on."

All too often, modern literature is obscene, decadent and perverted, sometimes subtly so. It is a parents' and grandparents' obligation to monitor what their children are reading and who the schools promote. A child has a pure, clean mind that needs tending like a fine garden.
So, research authors and their quotes and opinions before you subject your mind to garbage disguised as "fine literature".  Pull apart sentences and ideas and don't let the over all first impression "good feeling" deceive you. Think over what you read before you endorse it.


  1. Thanks, Ann for joining in although I didn't even get my post up today. I have a friend who had an ablation a few months go and has done very well. I will keep you in prayer, my friend.

  2. Keeping you in my prayers for your November 8th procedure! Keep us posted, please!

  3. Hi Annie, just finished setting up my new laptop and just was able to get online. Prayers for your ablation and praying courage and that this time it will completely work. Enjoyed your "Day So Far" dear Annie.

  4. Wow, that last quote really hit me in the face. That is what is happening in our campuses today...our students are being polluted with such "obscenities" as this. You are right...our children's minds are like a garden that needs to be watered with pure water and cared for with great love and truth.
    I will be praying for you on your next ablation. Please keep us posted so we will know when, etc. Praying this will be a great help to you and that God will calm your fears and give you peace in knowing that He is in control and will be there with you throughout the whole ordeal. Love your funny bunny face! Hey! I actually wore my flannel shirt for a while yesterday for the first time! I forgot to share that with the world. Hope your day is filled with joy and many blessings today. Take care, my friend. Would love to see your new sparkly tablecloth!

  5. Hi Annie, I enjoyed my visit here this morning. I remember when I was in High School, we had to get our parents permission to read Catcher in The Rye for advanced Literature. I also asked for extra reading from my AP History teacher. The book discussed the life of the Roman soldier and training began at age 7. It was my first introduction to homosexuality. This was back in 1971. I pray for my grand kids because things are so out there now days. Praying for your health!


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