Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving Day Memories

Cold was the word of the day.
Everything was still and icy and crisp outside.
Only a few intrepid seagulls could be seen once in a while.
Everything and everyone else was cuddled up in their burrows keeping warm.

The back bay was coated in thin sheets of ice and the little pond froze over.

The ocean was cold at last with a frigid wind blowing to nip your ears and nose.
Inside Macy's parade was going strong and they tweeted my daughter a Happy Birthday greeting!  When she was little she always believed the parade was for her.  Nice, nice people at that store! But then again, any store that puts on a Thanksgiving Day parade have to be nice people don't you agree?  She was ecstatic to get the tweet!

We moved the buffet into the office, which connects to the living room and set up dessert and coffee there. We had 3 cakes, 2 loaves of pumpkin bread, a sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie, pecan pie and a banana cream pie, and frosted brownies. Way too much! Everyone took home loads.

this was loaded down with cakes and pies

Here is the table set for 10 before the food was put out.
We had turkey, green bean casserole, candied yams, mashed potatoes and sausage and apple stuffing.
I ate a little amount, everyone else got stuffed to the gills.

No other photos were taken after dinner because no one thought about it. We simply had too good a time.
We ate at 2PM and the party broke up at 11:00 last night.  Too short if you ask me. I am a party animal, my friends!

I hope you and yours had as nice a day as we all did.

I am joining with Friday Foto Friends and Skywatch Friday today and I hope you will as well.


  1. What a wonderful day you had Oh, so many desserts. That was too much for even me, a sweetaholic! Hope you're doing ok since the procedure. Stay in where it's warm. Happy Friday and weekend 💜

  2. Sounds (and looks) like a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy the weekend and the leftovers!

  3. Your day was memorable and blessed, as was ours! The photos are great!! Happy Friday!

  4. A very pretty table to enjoy a great meal with family. So nice to hear you had a great Thanksgiving.

  5. bil never stays, he eats and goes... I love having company, smiles.

    I really didn't like the parade (and not meaning to rain on the parade)--as it had two women was from a broadway play.

  6. It sounds like you had a fabulous Thanksgiving Annie. It's always wonderful to share it with family and friends. It was wonderful that Macy's tweeted your daughter's birthday. I think that is very sweet. Happy birthday once again to you and your daughter. I hope you both had a great one

  7. Sounds like you had a wonderful day, even if it was frigid!! You were just getting to bed about the time I was getting started on ours, since we didn't have our feast until Friday. It was a LONG day, but full of joy and laughter as well...and too much food. Enjoyed some good leftovers today. Now onward and upward to Christmas!!


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