z Cottage by the Sea : The Saturday 9
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Saturday 9

Saturday 9 is about Black Magic Woman , the song by Santana.
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Saturday 9: Black Magic Woman (1970)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune: Hear it here.

1) Black is this week's signature color because Friday, November 23, was "Black Friday," when retailers cut their prices and consumers flock to the stores. Did you score any "Black Friday" bargains?

No, I stayed home on Friday . I am taking it easy but then again I never go participate in Black Friday.

2) On busy shopping days,  carts often litter parking lots. After loading your items into your car, are you careful to return your shopping cart to the store or the designated cart receptacle?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. If my back is hurting, I leave it. Sorry but it can be too much to walk back to the car without the support of the cart. This happens every once in a while.

3) Who on your gift list is hardest to buy for?

Everyone. I hate buying and giving gifts because I don't feel people like what I give them.

4) Feasting and football are also popular Thanksgiving weekend pastimes. Do your Thursday-Sunday plans include enjoying leftovers or watching a game?

Some leftovers will be eaten for sure. No football will be watched at all though.

5) Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade is an annual event. It began in 1924 as a local event in New York. Today it's nationally televised. Did you watch it?

Yes,I watched most of it.

6) What did you give thanks for on Thanksgiving 2018?

I say grace with every meal not just Thanksgiving. I say thanks for the food I am given. 

7) At the first Thanksgiving, there were no forks. Pilgrims ate with spoons and knives, and forks didn't become popular until the 18th century. Think about your Thanksgiving place setting. Did you have both a salad and a dinner fork?

No, Just a dinner fork

8) Pies are a popular Thanksgiving dessert. What kind of pie did you enjoy? Or did you have ice cream? Or did you skip dessert?

I tasted a little bit of the pumpkin pie and a spoonful of the birthday cake the Little baked for me. I ate one pecan off the top of the pecan pie  too.

9) This week's featured band, Santana, was named for its founder, Carlos Santana. He was born in Mexico. When at a Mexican restaurant, what do you usually order?

I like Flautas, tacos and burritos best.


  1. Enjoyed your answers, Annie. No shopping for us either. smiles

    1. I will give gifts but I hate buying them as I am not good at it I suppose. I never had anyone really like what I give them. Its demoralizing.

  2. There are so few options for shopping that I do most of mine online now.

  3. #3 -- I get that. Toward the end of my mom's life, she was always so worried about money and would be dismissive of frivolous gifts. She needed a new roof, and a sump pump, big things like that, not a sweater. So I would give her gift cards, but put care in how I delivered them. A little gift box, a stocking with her initials on them ... You know, to make it seem less like giving her money and more like a present.

  4. I agree with you about gift buying. I love everything anyone gets me and it just seems like when I buy gifts people are like "whatever". It is sad. Takes the joy out of it.
    I do not go out for Black Friday either, I do online though. I loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!


  5. I don't do Black Friday shopping, either, and with the exception of the grandkids I hate choosing what to give people.

  6. No shopping here, either. Good questions and I enjoyed your answers!

  7. See, that is why the cart rack should be near the handicapped parking. That seems like an easy thing to fix, you know?


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