z Cottage by the Sea : Summer Visions on the First Day of Winter
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, December 21, 2018

Summer Visions on the First Day of Winter

Humbug to rain and flooding

Winter Solstice is here, the shortest day of the year and the first official day of winter.
Sadly, there is no snow, just copious buckets of rain falling and my back yard is flooded to the door
step. The bay is over flowing, the streams are as well and so are my ponds! Welcome winter but.. couldn't you have brought snow instead?
The light show at the PNC was wonderful! Many themes displayed and it had to have taken hundreds of hours to set up. 

Stormy days on the Bay

 Joining in for Friday Foto Friends and Skywatch Friday again today.

But back in summer... the sign seems to wish the geese (Tiny feathery boaters)  a good day!
Let's take a look back to summer.

A panorama shot of one of the coves by me. Click to see full sized.

  I wish you a golden weekend and holiday season, filled with love and light and happy memories.

Golden Sunset


  1. We have had copious amounts of rain too, and today very high winds and cooler temps. Feels like winter could be coming. We are glad there is no snow here, however! That would be very strange indeed!! Love your pictures, no matter what the season. Take care my friend, and try to stay dry!!

  2. Beautiful summer shots. Sorry to hear about all the rain. Happy Holidays!!

  3. We are wet, wet and more wet here in Central Florida. Unusual and depressing for us! Beautiful photos!!

  4. Rain here yesterday and over night too and now, ice and snow on everything. The temps have dropped a lot. Tis the time of the year, my friend. smiles

  5. Oh, my goodness, that header! I already knew there was gonna be a cardinal in it before I even spotted him! <3 Merry, Merry CHRIST-mas, sweet Friend.

  6. So glad you saw those lights !
    The saddest part of the season , after weeks of preparation and enjoyment , is to take it all down afterward and pack it away again .Because my birthday is two weeks after Christmas , I was sometimes able to cajole my folks into leaving the tree up until then . Yes , the needles fell...yes , there were no more presents under it , but there remained still , the magical joy and wonder of the lights and the season...a gift in itself .
    Wishing you all joy and wonder...good health and happiness !

  7. Lovely shots, winter or not :)
    Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2019.

  8. What fabulous scenery! I love the awesome colors!


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