z Cottage by the Sea : Wintery Friday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, December 7, 2018

Wintery Friday

Once again it is Friday and another week gone by so quickly.
I am joining SkyWatch Friday and Friday Foto Friends again this week and I hope you will also.

Early evening sky drops down on the Cedar trees surrounding the bay
Mugho Pines and Cedar trees stay green all year long. They make a nice frame for my bay view
Crystalline trees against a blue sky

5th Avenue Choir

A blurry ride for my clone on the carousel in NYC


  1. Beautiful photos!! My favorite is the Crystalline trees against a blue sky. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Beautiful sky, Annie! And, I love the look of those trees ;-)

  3. Such wonderful pictures....love them all, and especially your "clone" on the merry go round. That is special, and the Hanukkah Menorah. Beautiful. I had a sister in law (now and ex-sister in law, sadly), who is Jewish. We often celebrated the lighting of the Menorah along with our Christmas celebrations. She loved being with us for Christmas. IT was a very special time, but sadly the marriage didn't work out. We still stay in touch from a distance. Thank you for sharing these photos with us. I love the choir singing too. It's all so good. cedar and pine trees...pink skies. love it all. Blessings, dear friend.

  4. Annie, your photos are beautiful! I especially like the tree with ice crystals on the branches. But I think the best is your little clone on the carousel! Happy weekend! And oh, I like the little 5th Avenue choir!

  5. Beautiful photos. I especially like your little clone on the carousel and of course the little 5th Ave. choir. Have a blessed evening dear Annie.

  6. Beautiful photos... especially Little Clone!! Have a great weekend.

  7. Loved the pictures and you little clone. I heard it is really cold out your way. Been cold here too in So. Calif. Wish I was back in Hawaii!

  8. Oh, how I love that red bird in the header....so pretty. Your clone is a little beauty (just like you)! <3 Love the ice in the trees...and the snowman choir! Hope you're having a good weekend...stay warm!

  9. I enjoyed all your pictures, especially the little girl on the carrousel!


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