z Cottage by the Sea : The Ski Trail
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, December 10, 2018

The Ski Trail

Toni posted her old post on this topic and I thought I would too as it is a slow week and I have nothing much to post really right now.
Toni has since stopped posting her creative adventures and I miss them. Toni provides the prompt and you fill in the blanks.
So here is a blast from the pastI hope you enjoy it.
My additions are underlined.

Adventures are fun!
The little is off to her bus, loaded down with backpack and clarinet case.. no coat.. she left it in school yesterday..sigh. But she is layered up with sweaters and sweatshirts. Only half a block to the bus so she is fine.
The kitchen is cleaned up, the french toast was well liked and I am settling down to do the latest Toni's creative adventure for this week  and you should too.
My cup of Pumpkin Spice coffee is steaming hot and I am ready to write....

  The Ski Trail

 click to go to Toni
1.   While cross country skiing through an old country trail I notice a light through the trees ahead. Getting closer to the clearing I see the light comes from a cottage that looks inviting. I remove my skis and walk up the porch steps and knock on the door when I see the sign that says, "Welcome , come in!"    As usual, I do just that. I am no stranger to this cottage or its occupants.

2.   I step inside to a cozy living room and sitting in a big leather chair in front of the fireplace is Mike all cozy in a warm blue and white Icelandic sweater. Next to him on the chair is Jimmy his beautiful black lab with soft and gentle eyes.
"I'm happy you're here",  he said scratching the dog's head.
"Wild horses couldn't keep me away" I replied. "You know I love coming by to see you, Mike."
I  lived up the trail from him a  little ways. When he had sprained his ankle I began coming by daily to make sure his bandage was done right and to get him hot meals. But it was an excuse to spend time with him too. I really enjoyed his company so much.

3.   He smiled at me and gestered to me  to take a seat and a cup of hot chocolate. 
We talk for a bit and play with Jimmy, who is, as always, the life of the party.
"You shouldn't be making me hot chocolate, Mike. You need to rest that ankle. 
He just smiled that boyish smile and said nothing.
I shook my head at him.
 "How about lunch now" I said. He smiled bigger at that. He was hungry.
I headed to the kitchen to prepare him a roast beef sandwich and a steaming hot cup of the creamy soup I had made that morning.
He devoured it.  Mike is a big Norwegian guy and it takes some serious food to fill his tummy.
After lunch I re-wrapped his sprained ankle and pulled his warm woolen socks over top.
Then I  fluffed the over sized feather pillow on the ottoman. He raised his leg and then lowered his foot onto the cushy pillow. It made a whooshing sound as the foot settled in.
I placed his crutches closer to him and got him a thermos of hot coffee and put it on the table by his chair.
I placed a little dish of cookies nearby too. 
+There you go, coffee with cream and your favorite cookies,"I said.
"If you are comfy, I will go get some errands done and be back before dinner time, Mike"
I leaned down and he gave me a big bear hug. 
Jimmy made sure he gave me a doggy style hug too and walked me to the door.
"Now stay put so that ankle can rest and heal" I said shaking my finger at him.
It was hard to keep him down.
4.   Happy and warm in my winter coat, I headed out the door.
I turn to wave goodbye  and I'm surprised to see Mike standing at the door.
"I miss you already," he said.       "Don't leave, the errands can wait."
He was right, they could.


  1. Love what you did with the questions ANNIE. I think you were the only one who liked that meme besides me. 😊 Have a blessed evening my friend.

  2. Love what you d id with the questions, smiles. Hey, how did you get that wreath to sparkle on your header? LOVE IT. SMILES

    1. I animated the lights on the wreath using Photoshop. I have a few more winter headers that are animated as well. Glad you like it!

  3. Well, this post leaves me with more questions than answers! Just how old is this "Mike"? This sounds like the beginnings of a very sweet romance. Or a precious friendship. Love it. I love the sparkling wreath too!! You did a great job with this. I can feel the warmth and smell the hot chocolate. Did you ever get your errands run??? LOL.

  4. That was great Annie, you should be a writer!

    1. I've ghost written 5 novels already :) Better stuff than this which is quickly thrown together.
      Thanks Susan.


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