z Cottage by the Sea : Tuesday & A Meme
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, January 14, 2019

Tuesday & A Meme

Happy Tuesday Amigos!
Past couple of days have been super cold and I've been under the weather with a super cold. I even
artists rendering of me in my snowsuit.
cancelled a doctor appointment today because I didn't want to make other people sick at the cardiologist. It is a huge practice with something like 25 doctors and patients who range from tiny kids to very elderly and I would not want to compromise their health by going in there sneezing and etc.

We did get about 3 inches of snow over the weekend, nothing huge but it got very cold.

  I  am going to join in with Toni's  Tuesday Four meme today.

                                        More About You

1.   How late did you stay up last night and why?
gratuitous picture of snow falling
 I don't remember but it was past midnight.  I got interested in watching a BBC mini series on YouTube, And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. It was particularly good! Then I found the Tommy and Tuppence Beresford series, Partners in Crime and watched two episodes of that.
The novels were written in a 1920's setting and the program keeps true to the time with lovely sets,  beautiful hats,clothing and hair styles from the era.

2.   If you could move somewhere else where would you and why?
             Massachusetts Cape Cod area.  I like New England very much. Or, perhaps I would live on Prince Edward Island as I love it there so much.

3.   Which of your friends lives closest to you?
      Katy at Tea and Conversation with Katy blog lives a couple of towns over from me. I made her  a blog as a birthday gift one year.  She is not a Jersey girl, however, as she is a foreigner who came to New Jersey from Long Island, NY... Yes, one of them!

4.   Who was the last person you took a picture of?

 Maybe the Little or the Famous Anonymous.
      I don't know really. I usually take photos of things rather than people.



  1. We also stay up late at night. Mr D watches a lot of youtube and I play games!! Gunsmoke comes on at 11pm and we always watch that together. Hope you're feeling better!!

  2. We've gotten into the (bad) habit of staying up late at night. Hubby watches old Streets of San Francisco videos and I watch homesteading family vlogs on Youtube. (Satisfies my dream of having a homestead.) Hope you feel better soon! (P.S. I live Cape Cod too!)

  3. Morning Annie. We are supposed to get a our first big snowstorm Friday into Saturday. They say 8-12 inches. I'm not looking forward to that. I too have been under the weather this past week. The older I get the more my resistance lowers to colds and pains. I watched the same "And Then There Were None". I love how they stay true to the period and sets. Feel better dear friend.

  4. Goedemorgen, Annie. How are you now? Hee, you had to eat a lot of traditional chicken soup, that's good for your health. You know: Jewish Penicillin. I hope you have the recipe for it.

    Here it is also cold outside. And gloomy. Many people here cough, sneeze, have sore eyes and itching. Not from the flu but from allergy. The birch is already blooming, the alder trees too. And I have spotted willow catkins. So: a very early allergy time for me. Fortunately there are medications.


  5. It is way too cold up there for me!! Brrrr!! Nice of you to change your appointment and not infect others. I wish everyone was as courteous as you are!!

  6. Giggling over #3. I Hope you got your furnace fixed...smiles

  7. I love Agatha Christie. I believe I heard they are remaking another one of her books...remake of a movie. I am always excited to see an Agatha Christie mystery. Loved your Tuesday 4!!! Have a great day!


  8. I am playing catch up here. Seems like I just can't keep up with everyone these days. I guess because we are busy with this and that...nothing substantial, just busywork. I hope you are feeling better. i really can't stay up late to watch tv or read. We usually head to bed by 9:30-10:00 at the latest, but we get up around 6 am. (and take a short nap after lunch!) Old age has a way of wearing us "old folks" out. We are having a bit of winter here this morning, down in the low 30's, and frost on the ground. If I could live anywhere else I'd have a summer/fall home in Maine and a winter/spring home here in Florida. Although I would love to spend a little bit of winter in Maine...at least to see the snow fall, and then get out while the getting's good! LOL. Have a great day. Stay well, and enjoy watching the snow for me.

  9. Dropped in to see what's new Annie. Hope you are doing okay my friend. We are in for a big first winter snow storm tomorrow at least a foot. Today is the first day I felt well enough to visit my blogging friends. Take care dear Annie.

  10. Greetings from the Foreigner !
    Sorry you're still under the weather , but glad you're on the mend .
    Your header is stunning ! They all evoke feelings of connecting with the pictured place...quite a talent , my friend ! It's wonderful to visit your blog ! The beautiful gift blog is dormant...not much to say , but grateful for all your time , skill and effort to bring it about...Thank you !!!
    There is a new member of the family-today I welcomed a senior cat lady with health issues from the local shelter . My Gabby , a similar senior , passed away late September after two and a half years together .
    It is a mute point as to who rescued whom !
    Stay warm , safe and well , dear Annie

  11. P.S. - Back in the 70's we visited the Southampton Art Museum . Displayed there was a tiny framed oil painting that resembles your artist's rendering of a child so burdened with warm winter clothes , as to be unable to move , much less play outside ! Thanks for the memories !

  12. Social media often sees the creation and sharing of memes specific to certain days of the week, including Tuesday. These memes might play on the idea of "Tuesday blues," the fact that it's not quite the middle of the week, or other humorous takes on the day.


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