z Cottage by the Sea : Friday...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, January 18, 2019


Welcome to my blog on this chilly winter day.
We are expecting a winter storm in the area but since southern New Jersey is closer to Delaware/Maryland/Eastern Shore Virginia, we get the same weather they do most of the time.  That means we might only get some icy rain.   Also we are on the
peninsula part of the state and being out in the ocean means our weather is often very different than the northern half of the state.
Skies have been gray and dark all day long today and things are frozen over a bit. Here are some winter photos for Friday Foto Friends and Skywatch Friday.
Hope you enjoy seeing them.

Along the bay the sand is cold

The sky over the bay has a pink tinge to it.

The woods along the road side in winter bear traces of autumn color. The trees, whose bark goes unnoticed in summer stands out when leaves are gone.

 The Atlantic Ocean in winter.  Waves in the photo are about 6 feet high.

Until tomorrow.. take care.


  1. Great foto's today! The weather is also like that in Texas...the panhandle is always much colder than we are here in SE Texas. Stay warm and take care.

  2. I bet the sand is warm in the summer.
    Coffee is on

  3. Love your winter photos Annie. I wish my winter is as calm as yours. I'm not looking forward to our first winter storm/blizzard with the highest temps of 6-9 degrees and 25-35 mile an hour winds for Saturday and Sunday. Have a warm, cozy, blessed weekend my friend.

  4. Beautiful, hey, did you get the furnace fixed? I keep meaning to ask...smiles

  5. The ocean in winter has it's own special beauty. Enjoy the weekend!

  6. Enjoy your artwork and photos. My view is of the Pacific Ocean.

  7. I admire your artistic talents...among which are your paintings and photos !
    Having lived by the water most of my life , those images are comforting
    and actually being at water's edge is grounding and wonderful...in every season .
    Thank you , my friend !!!

  8. What wonderful beach scenes! I love it, no matter when or where!


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