Saturday, February 9, 2019

Saturday 9 Waiting for a Star to Fall

Cold weather has returned after a short week of temperatures in the 40s-50sF. Now its back into the 20's and 30sF. That is fine with me. It conditions the ground for summer, controls bugs and is a welcome change from the tepid and weak days of spring and the hot and sultry days of summer. We need contrast in life to spice things up.
Now, let's get down to business with Saturday 9.

                                  Waiting for a Star to Fall (1988)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) "Waiting for a Star to Fall" was literally inspired by a falling star. The singing/songwriting duo of Boy Meets Girl was at a big, outdoor concert and could have sworn they saw a falling star in the night sky. Have you ever seen a falling star?
Yes, many times. They are really wonderful to see.

2) They offered this song to Whitney Houston, who declined to record it. Whitney did have hits with two other songs they wrote: "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" and "How Will I Know?" What's your favorite Whitney song?

'Run to You' from the movie  The Bodyguard with Kevin Costner.

3) Boy Meets Girl were George and Shannon, a husband-and-wife team originally from Seattle, WA. In 2016, Seattle was named America's most "bike-friendly city." Do you own a bike?

Not anymore, no.

4) George and Shannon met for the first time at a wedding. She was a guest, he was in the band. Think of the last wedding present you bought. Was it from the bride and groom's registry?

It was just something I bought that I thought they would like.

5) In 1988, when this song was popular, 98% of American homes had a TV set. Today, that figure has dipped to 96%, presumably because Millennials are watching more content online. What's the last video you watched online?

A video by archaeologist Brien Foerster from his book Aftershock.  Highly recommend it if you are interested in alternative archaeology as I am.  Here is the full lecture.

6) In 1988 saw the introduction of one of the most memorable slogans of all time: "Just Do It." Without looking it up, do you know what brand "Just Do It" promotes?

I believe it was Nike.

7) In 1988, Sonny Bono went from entertainer to Republican politician when he was elected Mayor of Palm Springs. Have you ever met the mayor of your town?

My hometown, yes.

8) Michael Douglas took home the Oscar in 1988 for his portrayal of Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street. The American Film Institute named Gekko one of the "top movie villains of all time." Do you think bad guys are as interesting as good guys?

No. Bad guys are one dimensional, flat and predictable.

9) Random question: Have you ever seen a photo of yourself naked? (Baby pictures don't count.)

Yes .
 I will be back for Sunday Stealing tomorrow.


  1. My first thought was the song "Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day", by Perry Como. I've never heard of this other one. That tells you how old I am. And in answer to the last one, if there are any such pictures around, I hope National Enquirer doesn't find them. LOL. Have a blessed day.


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