Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tuesday 4 Meme

Weather here along the New Jersey coast is ridiculous today as temperatures climb into the high 50's after a week of below freezing.
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Let's Talk About A Topic
(Tell us what you think about the following)

1.   Topic #1: Seasons:  There is something wonderful in every season and I think life would be boring without them.  Each season enters with its own happy face and ends leaving you ready for its successor.
Spring brings lovely pastel flowers and pale green leafy trees. Birds return from their winter havens and sing their melodies three times a day.  Early spring brings the peepers.. the itty bitty little pale green frogs that cheep by the water all through the area.
Spring also brings damp chilly rains that can penetrate the bones like no other season.

Summer brings out her darker green and the more vivid colors on flowers. She warms the earth with the sun's heat. You  swim and sunbathe , all the things winter put on hold.
 Summer brings a love of cool drinks and foods, long hot days, and lazy humid nights filled with the sounds of cicadas and crickets. Summer means fireworks every Wednesday night , concerts in the park, boardwalk excitement and lazy hot days with toes dug deep in the hot sand. Summer brings
cookouts and picnics, and the sound of children's voices floating on the hot breeze.
Summer is lovely but like a child she can take a good thing too far and go way overboard leaving you panting in hot, sticky, merciless weather.

Summer ends with a longing for the cool blustery winds of Autumn.
Autumn arrives with her explosion of red and gold, cooler winds and the scents of fallen leaves and bonfires.  As fall comes on the little leaf boats float off on the water like brave little armadas heading for an unknown destiny.
The trees are ablaze with fiery colors in autumn , the sound of football games fill the air, and pumpkins begin to take a place of honor  on porches and tables everywhere. Turkey becomes the bird of choice, ghosts and goblins, princesses and fairies come to visit and we remember how thankful we must be for all that we have.
But Fiery Autumn also begins to lose her glory as trees shed leaves and the nights get colder and longer.. Skies become darker as Winter makes her glorious appearance.
Winter can tiptoe in to greet you or enter with a fanfare unlike any other season. She has her timid side and her wild side and from year to year you don't know which she will show you but both offer a glimpse of the power of nature and the beauty of the world.
Nights are deep, inky dark and star filled.The stars are like glittering icicles in the sky.
 Days are crisp and white with stark colors displaying their beauty all around you. It is then you appreciate the particular beauty of a tree against a steel gray sky or miles of woods with their browns and grays displayed on a white background.   Beauty for the sake of beauty.
Winter brings the crystalline magic kingdom of  ice and snow storms that come howling in with mighty freight train winds.
Days sparkle in the sun as in no other time of year and you appreciate that sun as never before. You appreciate warmth and fire and a good hot meal. Without winter, you would never know how much these things can mean to you.
In art, we know that light displays dark and dark will showcase light. You cannot have one without the other.
I love the seasons and their changes.

2.   Topic #2: Travels:
The best travels I have had were the time I drove across the United States and the times I drove north into New Brunswick in  Canada and eastward to Prince Edward Island.
Until you drive across this great nation you do not fully realize its size and beauty. You get a look at the courage of the pioneers as you cross, with modern convenience, the mighty Mississippi, the grand Missouri and the Great Divide of the Rocky Mountains.  It was the most spectacular trip of my life.
Nothing else could ever compare.

Traveling north through New England and up into Maine is glorious too. Maine with her strong scent of Balsam and pine, gigantic moose crossing the roads.. Then, on to New Brunswick in Canada and a chance to use that French you know.. then on to  And, finally, you cross the water into Price Edward Island with her red cliffs and blue sea. Anne of Green Gables is lurking around every corner on this beautiful little island.
My next adventure would be to Newfoundland (pronounced New-Fin-LAND.. rhyming with the word understand. Understand? Newfoundland!) as I have many friends there, some of whose English I can understand and some whose English I can never figure out!

3.   Topic #3: Children:
What do I think of children? I like them! I used to be one of them myself and according to most of my friends, am still a big kid.
Children are a prime purpose of  life and marriage. One of the first commands is "be fruitful and multiply" and did you know it takes four children for a couple to reproduce themselves?
I love to hear children playing and having a good time and I am grateful for the children I have.

4.   Topic #4: Hobbies:
Hobbies add spice to life and are necessary to keeping you on an even keel.
My computer and my art are hobbies as well as necessities for me. Rearranging my home is also a hobby to me. I love doing that.

Thank you for the meme Toni!  Why not join her for this one? It's never too late.


  1. Wow Annie! I'm speechless!! This has got to be one of the best meme entries I have read. You truly are a writer with a wonderful way with words. Thank you for playing along. I didn't do this one yet as my fingers are still with pain. Blessings my friend.

  2. I LOVE the seasons so much! I feel like not everyone does.
    So, at work today I was just watching the kids play and giggle and I had the best time just doing that. I love my job. Loved your answers! Happy Tuesday!


  3. I would love to take some time to and do a cross country travel vacation! The route to take would be Route 66. Love your blog entry! Have a great week!

  4. Your writing , like your artwork , evokes connection and emotions...well done !
    Wonderful answers ! My most surprising reaction on a trip was to Ireland . My mother's ancestors were from there (and Wales) . Within a few hours of arriving , I felt a deep connection to the land...as though I'd finally come "home"...most unexpected...only the second place in my life with that feeling .
    Hoping all is well with you...


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