Sunday, February 3, 2019

3 Wishes?... Sunday Stealing

Hello Friends!
Another weekend  and this one is Super Bowl Sunday.
Will you be watching?   I will be avoiding it and I always hate those super creepy half time shows that glorify weirdo stuff and use teen idols and manufactured wardrobe malfunctions to gain views.
 I might listen to some few moments in the background for nostalgia sake. My mother loved football and baseball and basketball too for that matter. The Giants and Yankees were her favorite teams. She would be watching if she was around.
The little and the Famous Anonymous are staying home though their aunts and uncles have a big shindig for the Super Bowl each year with tons of food.
. The Little is sick with the flu, but Tami-flu the doctor gave her seems to be helping. Famous does not like pro sports much and so is happy to stay home. My daughter just came home from London and is too tired to care.  My son is not a pro sports kind of guy and neither is his beautiful wife.
  I will be here fighting off what the Little has since I am coming down with it today. I am packing in the vitamin C. I just got over a cold this week and now this.
If I am up to it I will make some chili and pretend to celebrate something or other.
This might be of interest to you. It was shocking to me.

And now .. drum roll and fanfare...Sunday Stealing!

This week's Sunday Stealing is the second part of a list called 3 Wishes.
Though I don't see any wishes but maybe its the name of the blog?

16.) What is your favorite wild animal?
There are many that share an equal amount of favor in my mind.
I always like black panthers as a young person.
I like deer for their pretty faces and long, long eyelashes.
I like seagulls a lot.

17.) Name 3 of your favorite childhood shows:
Batman Cartoon
The Polka Dot Door
Are You Afraid of the Dark?
Scrooge with his nephew Fred Hallowell  and Fred's wife.
18.) If you could live as a character in a movie who would it be?
Fred Hallowell's wife (he is Scrooge's nephew) in A Christmas Carol. Sort of.. kind of.. she seems sweet and more to the point Fred seems a fine gentleman and I could use one of those in my life. I balk at changing who I am or wishing to be someone else. It bothers me.

19.) Favorite vegetable?
I do like Brussels Sprouts a lot.
Love fried eggplant but it doesn't like me!Makes my tongue weird.  Asparagus is delicious too! And spinach or broccoli sauted in the Italian way.. oh be still my heart.
20.) Favorite Fruit?
21.) If you had a dragon what would you name it?
Chloe for a girl  and  Ralphie for a boy. 
22.) What do you put on hotdogs?
 Kosciusko Polish mustard,  real German sauerkraut and some relish. 
Sometimes I like them Italian style with fried potatoes, fried peppers and fried onion on a big crispy  roll.
I also like my hot dogs deep fried crisp
Italian hot dog New Jersey style.

23.) Do you play online games?
Yes I do. Right now, June's Journey . I like games where I get to decorate and build things.
24.) What's your favorite way to get inspired?
I don't know and have never thought about it.
25.) Do you have a middle name?

26.) If you had to order from a kid's menu, what would you get?
Grilled cheese and french fries. Or chicken nuggets and fries. Or fried fish and fries.. Or.. well you get the idea.

27.) Do you speak any other languages?
Yes , sort of.....

28.) Do you use Twitter?
Yes I use Twitter and follow news articles on it, etc. I share a lot of articles there too. If you follow me I will send a lot of interesting things your way on politics and religion.

29.) Do you go onto YouTube?
All the time. I watch documentaries and etc.

30.) Do you play Angry Birds?
No, I don't.
And so, that is all she wrote, friends.  
Let me know what you are doing with your day, won't you? Inquiring minds want to know!


  1. The Super Bowl will not be on at the Conley house, nope. I play Township online...relaxing game. I hope you have a lovely day friend.

  2. June's Journey, I will have to check that out. I am hooked on Home Design right now... redoing/designing rooms is fun! Have a great week!

  3. Boy you certainly have interesting hot dogs!

  4. We are not watching the Superbowl. I am hoping there will be a new episode of Victoria on PBS tonight. I Love that show. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  5. I love animals, but not snakes, they give me the creeps. {{shutter}} I enjoy documentaries about animals. I love my hot dogs with chili and cheese and I think I would name my dragon, Dennis! No reason, that's just what came to my mind. NO, I will not be watching the superbowl and I will not be watching the half time junk. Just my humble opinion. Hope you don't get too sick and hope you get well soon!

  6. I didn't watch the superbowl, but hubby did. I guess it must be over. He just headed to the shower. I guess the Patriot's won, which is fine with me since we used to live in New England. I didn't watch any of it. I worked on my blogpost and tried to get caught up with people here on Facebook, etc. I made sloppy joes for us for supper...that seemed kind of super bowlish type of food. Our youngest son was here too. (he lives here, so that is nothing unusual). I like my hotdogs just with yellow mustard. Chili is also good on them if I happen to have any. I like peppers and onions on bratwurst. Animals: deer, black bears are interesting to watch since we have some here, birds of course. When we lived in N.E., we were always on the lookout for moose. We saw a few. Went on some wild moose watching hunts, but actually saw more of them when we weren't watching for them. One walked right through our front yard. Same with bears.Favorite vegetable...hmmm, salad. That covers most of them...I do love carrots, raw, cooked, however. And I love potatoes, baked, boiled, mashed, fried, but not necessarily french fries. I love sweet potatoes too. I love asparagus when it is on sale. Oh, and fresh spinach. I have that in some form almost every day. Fruit: apples, peaches, strawberries, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, grapefruit, blueberries, pineapple. Most normal fruits...not tropical so much. I don't use Twitter, and I don't play games on the computer. Now I am headed for the shower. Good night! Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite! LOL.

  7. I'm so sorry that the flu as hit your home. Praying you all get better. I am not a football person and never have been so Super Bowl Sunday is totally lost on me. I read about the antics regrarding Half time the next day.

  8. This header is lovely ! soft and dreamy...
    Not a sports fan , although my grandmother loved football ! Seems the whole family spent Thanksgiving morning at the local game , then home for the feast. Considering what a phenomenal cook she was , that trip home after the game must have been a speedy one !
    Hoping your recovery is speedy , too , my friend


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