z Cottage by the Sea : Spring
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, March 28, 2019


Hi friends and welcome!
It was a cold, sunny, beautiful day today. How about where you live?
I am sharing just a few photos this week for Friday Foto Friends and Sky Watch Friday.
Join in!
After you see the photos, there is a short video from a lady who makes little houses from objects that would otherwise be thrown out as trash. I loved it and hope you will enjoy it as well. I think I will try this project myself.

 I like mugho pines that grow by the water.

Canadian geese are beginning to raise their families.

 Cedars and pines touching the sky.


  1. Wonderful calming photos Annie. I never heard of mugho pines before. They must look nice near the water. I doubt if I'll ever make a fairy house lamp LOL! but I enjoyed the video. Sweet dreams my friend and have a blessed day ahead.

    1. I am going to try making it or one of her other buildings. I love them and love finding new things to do.

  2. Beautiful signs of a warm spring day. It was warm here too and I hear will be warmer tomorrow. Just trying to get the garden/s ready for planting.

  3. Wow, I am intrigued by the video of the lady making the houses out of trash...that is very cool. I may have to study that as I continue with my "Pamela's Victorian Cottage" story. Do the Canadian Geese stay in your area to raise their families? That is so wonderful. I love to see them, but they don't usually come around here in the winter. I have seen some in the town where we are hoping to move to, however, so I will watch for them if and when we ever move. Loved your pictures as always. The seaside pines are really nice. have a blessed and beautiful day.

    1. Hi Pam. Canadian geese are here all year round. Those Canadians are hearty fellows :). I have some sweet photos of them with their babies I can post on Facebook.

  4. I just love this post, Annie!!! It was 55* yesterday and sunny...today, its raining, but not cold-chilly but overly super cold. smiles

    1. Was 29F here last night! So not really into spring entirely here yet.

  5. I love the creativity that some people have! Such a cute little cottage.

    1. That lady is amazingly clever. I would love to try all her projects. So beautiful.

  6. So pretty where you are. I love the cover photo of the ducks and then your pic of the geese. Your pic of the dock brought Otis Redding to mind. The little houses are cute as pie! So are MacDuff and MacGregor! Hi!

    1. Yes, I thought of Otis Redding as well when I sit there on that dock! Its a great song.

  7. I always enjoy your ocean side photos. So beautiful!! Have a great weekend.

  8. Beautiful photos and lovely idea of recycling that I'm tempted to give a try sometime as we have summer holidays coming up from the next week onwards. we're getting temperatures ranging from 37 to 38 degrees C where we live and it is simply unbearable! Summer is not even here!

  9. Oh I love fairy gardens. She's so talented and I like how she uses just everyday things. I can't wait to see what you make. Love your fotos as always! 💜

  10. The ocean is always a wonderful place to be. Your photos are lovely. And the fairy garden is so amazing!


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