z Cottage by the Sea : April Weather/Hot-Cold
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, April 8, 2019

April Weather/Hot-Cold

It was 82F yesterday after cold weather the day before.
I dislike spring because of this volatile weather and the dampness that is not good for health.
It was in the 30s the other day...
I am joining in with Toni's Tuesday 4 meme..

Just Wondering

1.   What Hobby You Do Or Wish You Still Did:
I paint and play piano and do pond gardening.

2.   What Is Your Favorite Vacation Spot:
I don't go on vacation but I do live in a vacation spot if that counts.

3.   What Is Your Way to waste time instead of working:
Watching documentaries and educational programs on YouTube

4.   What Is Your Favorite Childrens' movie:
I really don't know. I am not really a fan of those kinds of movies and I can't think of any.


  1. We only reached the low 70's here yesterday and I agree with you. I hate these up and down weather days of April too. Enjoyed reading your answers Annie. Have a day of blessings my friend.

  2. Our up and down weather is crazy too... 60's one day and then back to the 30's brrrr. I would love to live in a vacation spot year round like you!! Have a great Tuesday!!

  3. Ditto the wonky weather...so hard for the body to adjust .
    Such a pretty header - one of my favorites !
    As to vacation spots , a dear friend once suggested Sanibel Island in Florida...it was wonderful !!
    Also a trip , long ago and far away , to southern Ireland ...the only place beside my early childhood home where there was a deep sense of belonging...strange...
    Have a satisfying day , my friend...

  4. Even here in FL. it has been up and down weather. We are finally getting back into a rain pattern, which we need, but hubby and I are still having sinus issues/coughing, etc. I'll be glad when the pollen goes away. Seasonal rhinitis or whatever it is is driving me crazy. Other than that, I'm just peachy. Love visiting you, and I hope you are doing well...summer will be here before we know it, and then I will be anxious for fall. So I guess we just need to be thankful for what we've got while we've got it. Blessings to you today.

  5. I live in a vacation spot too and it is getting busy. I love your hobbies! :)


  6. Happy Friday Annie, Dropped in to see if all is well with you as it's odd to see you haven't posted since Tuesday. I too didn't post after Tuesday until today. Anyway, Have a day of blessings my friend.


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