z Cottage by the Sea : Neighborhood Sights
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, April 12, 2019

Neighborhood Sights

Hello friends and welcome to my blog.It is 57F today and partly cloudy for the most part.
Forsythia are blooming in my yard and bulbs are popping up here and there.
I am participating  in Friday Foto Friends and Skywatch friday today with some photos I took.
All photos can be clicked and made larger and every photo is taken in my own neighborhood.
I hope you enjoy them.

Every day there is a lovely reflection from sunset.

There at least 10 marinas in my neighborhood.

The bay is right behind these cedars and pines.  I thought the sky was pretty.

Even chickens love the ocean

I will be back tomorrow with Saturday 9.  The topic this Saturday is Pat Boone's April Love.
Until then, enjoy your day.


  1. Hi Annie :) As always your area photos are beautiful. How I wish I was able to travel there. The chicken photo made me smile. Loved it. Have a blessed day my dear friend.

  2. Hi Annie, How long does it take you to walk from your house to the ocean? Are you getting hit by the artic storm? Have a nice weekend!

    1. I can walk to the bay in a couple of minutes. I live right on the bay a few blocks in .
      Not getting any storms yet. Hope it will be snow and not rain as my roof is bad.

  3. Praying for no rain on your roof. Praying also for your roof to be fixed. May God provide what you need to have it done. Loved the photos of your bay area. Always so lovely. You are blessed to live in such a pretty place. Thank you for sharing with us. Praying no rain on your roof.

  4. Beautiful scenery and photos. I'll never of seeing the lovely place where you live.

  5. I enjoyed your photo's and also your Pat Boone post. I was a kid when that song came out.


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