z Cottage by the Sea : Images of Spring
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, April 19, 2019

Images of Spring

Welcome to my blog for Friday Foto Friends and SkyWatch Friday. 
Today we are expecting rain and it is a cool and cloudy 63°F.
Here are my photos for this week....

Last night's moon.. a bit grainy.

The Salt marsh begins to green up for summer.

The evening sky over the bay

Big pot of Mountain Pinks.. which are white in this case 

I will be back tomorrow for Saturday 9 which I am working on now and perhaps for Sunday Stealing which I will also do a head of time for Sunday.
To all my friends, Chag Pesach Sameach!


  1. Beautiful photos. It is rather muggy here in western NY, expecting storms. I am not complaining, we have the windows and the kitchen door open.

  2. Such pretty fotos I saw that gorgeous moon last night, too! Hope you have a blessed Easter weekend.

  3. Hi Annie, I'm jealous that you got to see the "Pink Moon" last night. it was too cloudy to see here in my area. LOL! I can never say enough about your beautiful bay area photos, how I wish I was able to see the bay in person. Have a blessed start of Passover tonight.

  4. Love your pictures today. The moon was gorgeous last night. Wish I could've gotten a good picture of it. It followed us along side of us all the way home from our cantata dress rehearsal service. Windy, rainy here today, cold front moving in...but may reach 49! Wow, that is cold for us this time of year. Your salt marsh is so pretty...I just love your photos. Have a blessed day...hope your back is better today. Praying for you.

  5. Enjoyed your photos Annie. Happy & blessed Easter to you. Enjoy your short break and I hope you feel better soon.

  6. I love that moon shot. It has a very mysterious feel to it! Have a nice Easter weekend!

  7. Enjoyed all of your photos and had to smile at the white pinks :)
    have a blessed Easter.

  8. Always enjoy stopping by...such a warm welcome and beautiful things to see !
    The Pink Moon was lovely...so peaceful . Thank you for all your efforts on our behalf...
    this is a special place !
    Be well and Happy Easter , my friend !

  9. I love taking photos of the moon... graininess and all, but truly, I just saw a mysteriously beautiful moon. That salt marsh looked so heavenly. I can almost smell the sweetness of it. I used to read Misty of Chincoteague to my classes and I can understand the allure of that sweet grass on those ponies!


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