z Cottage by the Sea : April Love.. saturday 9
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, April 12, 2019

April Love.. saturday 9

Welcome to my blog.
Today I am participating in Saturday 9.
April Love (1957). Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Pat Boone sings that April love is a wonder reserved for the very young. Do you think the sensation of falling in love changes as we grow older?

I don't really  know.  I would like to though.

2) "April Love" reached #1 on the charts. Between this song and "Love Letters in the Sand," Pat Boone had a career year. Only one artist sold more records in 1957: Elvis Presley. When you think of Elvis, what's the first song that comes to mind?
Most of the songs from Blue Hawaii.

3) Pat was extremely busy in high school. He wrote for the school paper, ran track, and acted in school plays. Share a memory of your extracurricular activities during high school.
  Editor of newspaper, literary editor of yearbook, managing editor of school radio station, girls athletic society, field hockey and clubs. I was very busy and enjoyed it.

4) It was his track coach who introduced Pat to the new girl in school, Shirley Foley. Three years later Pat and Shirley married, and remained man and wife for 65 years, until her death earlier this year. Who is the longest married couple you know?
I guess my parents.

5) Pat has lived in the same house for more than 60 years. He once received an offer to sell it for $18,000,000 but turned it down because it's the Boone family home and he simply doesn't want to leave. Do you plan on moving in the foreseeable future?

  No,I can't afford to move but I would like a bigger house.

6) Pat has a warm friendship with his neighbors, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne. Pat has mentioned in interviews that he has enjoyed bike rides around Beverly Hills with Sharon. Tell us about one of your neighbors.
I had good neighbors when I was first married. Two lovely couples who were so nice to me.
One of them Bernie and Jacquie were extremely good to me when my daughter passed away.  I will never forget them.

7) Mr. Boone was very critical of Barack Obama, enthusiastically supports Donald Trump, and has appeared on Fox News to express his views. How do you feel about celebrities talking politics?

They have a right to talk about whatever they want.  It is up to the public to filter and decide for themselves.  I am no fan of any politician. Not one of them. I think they are all sleazy crooks.
8) In 1957, the year this song was popular, Dr. Ian Donald pioneered the use of ultrasound technology. Today ultrasounds are commonly used by doctors in diagnosing conditions affecting the eyes, blood vessels, kidneys, gall bladder and more. Have you ever had an ultrasound?


9) Random question: You're sitting alone in a restaurant, waiting for a friend. The waiter brings you a drink and the compliments of a member of the opposite sex seated at the bar. What's your reaction? Are you flattered, shocked, embarrassed, intrigued or annoyed?
Intrigued and embarrassed and a bit cynical and unsure.  I think there are better ways to get my attention.
   I once had a man pay for my dinner that way. He left right after so I had no chance to find out what was up. Very strange but I kind of knew him since I ate lunch at his deli everyday. His Italian deli was just up the street from my job and I got a sandwich there daily. The food was delicious. He was very sweet.

Tomorrow is Sunday Stealing.. will we see you there?


  1. Loved your answers! I always wanted to work on the yearbook. Have a great Saturday!

  2. Hi Annie, The first song I remember from Elvis was "Heartbreak Hotel" It was his first. I was never a great fan of his. Enjoyed all your answers my friend. Have a blessed weekend.

  3. I loved the movie Blue Hawaii. I really like Elvis. My mom was a huge fan, so I enjoyed him too. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!


  4. I always have appreciated Pat Boone and his stand for his faith and values. He is a rare personage in the entertainment world, and has remained faithful to his faith as well as still a well respected person. I remember these songs, even though I was very young when they were popular. (only 7) I had older brothers and sister who were teenagers when Pat Boone was popular, so that is why I noticed him I guess. Elvis..."You ain't nothing but a hound dog..." LOL. Of course he had many others much better, but that is the first one I remember as a child. My husband's mother's first cousin was in the movie, Blue Hawaii, with Elvis. I think she was a teacher or something. (Miss Prentice)..her name was Nancy Walters, She was very pretty and was in some other movies but I'm not sure which. This was her most famous movie. I will have to look that up. Here is a link to her info: http://elviswomen.greggers.net/waltersnancy.htm She has since passed away.

  5. You were quite the busy girl in high school ad I'm not surprised at all that you had no much responsibility. I think your house is very nice - the photos you have shared. And you absolutely cannot beat the beautiful surroundings.

  6. I was never a big Pat Boone fan, but he does (in my mind) represent and kinder, simpler time in our history. It was fun reading your answers!

  7. A bigger house is just more to clean. I am glad I have a small house especially as I age.

  8. Loved our answers...and I just love the new look here...so sorry for not visiting --the semester is winding down...smiles

  9. This is amazing. I've had that song running through my mind the last few days for no reason that I can think of. Spooky! And now I read your post. Fun answers. I always appreciated Pat's stand for his faith in God. I didn't know Shirley had passed away this year!


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